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IHE about PIX2 asking for help

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Mar 11, 2024, 3:34:10 AM3/11/24
to ipf-user
Hi Dmytro
According to what you said, I have already taken a look at the documentation ( and unit tests (package org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp). However, I have some questions. For example, for the ITI-8 transaction, the Producer side corresponds to the Patient Identity Source actor. The Consumer side corresponds to the Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager actor. I know that HL7V2 uses the Socket communication protocol. My current question is how do I use the IPF framework to build the consumer side? I did not see any code related to building the consumer side in the unit tests (package org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp). I am using version 4.8-m5. Am I misunderstanding something? Do I not need to explicitly build the corresponding server as in tutorials like XDS.b? Please give me some hints. Thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards
截屏2024-03-11 15.26.07.png

Dmytro Rud

Mar 11, 2024, 5:06:09 AM3/11/24
Hello Bo

The server side in HL7v2 unit tests is represented by Camel routes.  As opposed to XDS and other Web Service based transactions, no servlet container is required for an HL7v2 server.

Best regards

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Mar 11, 2024, 5:43:03 AM3/11/24
Hi Dmytro
I have some questions about the IPF MLLP module. First, I don't quite understand Camel routes. If I need to implement the client and server for the ITI-8 transaction in my own project using the IPF framework, how should I proceed? Second, my project is a Spring Boot project. Some time ago, you helped me run the XDS tutorial successfully, so I included the XDS-related code as a Maven module in my project. For the PIXV2-related transactions that I am going to implement, can I also create it as a Maven module? If it is created as a Maven module, I roughly know how to construct the HL7 message String on the client side, but I am unsure about how to handle these messages on the server side. For example, for the ITI-8 transaction where the client registers a patient with the server or initiates an update to patient information, how should the server-side code be written? Can I use existing code from the IPF framework for this? I hope you can help me. I am truly a beginner and greatly appreciate your assistance.
Best regards

Dmytro Rud <> 于2024年3月11日周一 17:06写道:

Thomas Papke

Mar 18, 2024, 3:25:54 PM3/18/24
to ipf-user
Hello Bo,

I have seen that this topic might be still open and just an additional remark from my side:
I assume you are not referring to what kind of buisness logic the server side need to do (update a database, ...), you are basically asking what kind of response the server need to generate as a outcome? 
If this is the case, the server need to send a HL7 Ack response message if the internal processing was done. This message can be produced in several ways. Hapi has a supportive method "generateAck()" on in the inbound message, which will produce the corresponding outbound message. An example for an ITI-8 consumer with IPF can be also seen here ( 

Best regards,
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