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Robert Belford

Aug 18, 2020, 7:58:20 PM8/18/20
to chemed-l, ios...@googlegroups.com, maddie.s...@onlinelearning-c.org, Gerry....@csulb.edu, jpba...@gmail.com
Hi All,

Tomorrow through Friday the Online Learning Consortium is running a free virtual conference dealing with online STEM labs.  Here is the link


This is the first time I have been involved with this, and on Friday we will give a demo of an IOT (Internet of Things) lab we ran this summer streaming data from a Raspberry Pi in a "student's" home to a Google Sheet [read: grad student]....I can explain, but there was just not enough time to get Pis to the students.  We integrated this with Chemcollective Virtual labs and can discuss multiple facets of this type of work.

Please check out the program, and it is free, if anyone is interested.

It would be great if some ChemEd people could join, and we could chat.


Ta-Wei, Li

Aug 19, 2020, 9:19:59 PM8/19/20
to Robert Belford, ios...@googlegroups.com, ichao
Hi, Bob,

That is a great news.  I just sent the request to Professor Yaron, David about how to add the new Chemistry experiments activity on HTML5 version of Virtual labs.  

I used to teach student to modify your Java based Virtual Labs to create simple Chemistry experiment practice as the final project for computer 101 class in my department.  I found that students like the activities very much, which were very helpful for students to understand the relation between K and dG.  However, due to the abandon of JAVA by most of browsers, I also quit that type of final exam project.

I will try to find a good time to join the virtual conference and wish to obtain good information about new Virtual labs.  Thank you for forwarding such good news.

Stay safe and best regards,
Ta-Wei (Dave)

Robert Belford <roberte...@gmail.com>於 2020年8月19日 週三,上午7:58寫道:

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Ta-Wei Li

Chairman, Taiwan Open Course and Education Consortium

Assistant Professor of Department of Applied Chemistry

National Chiao Tung University

Science Building 2, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, ROC


Tel886-3-5712121 ext 56584  


Gary Bertrand

Aug 19, 2020, 9:46:16 PM8/19/20
to ios...@googlegroups.com
I registered and got a free ticket and jumped through all the hoops I could find, but I never got a whiff of anything that related to today's content.


Robert Belford

Aug 20, 2020, 8:57:09 AM8/20/20
to ios...@googlegroups.com
Hi Gary and all,

Yah, I know what you mean.  You have to both create an account with OLC and register for the conference.  Once done, this page has time, titles and links to the individual talks (all time Eastern)

and this one has the abstracts (below the schedule of title/author info).
Oh, I may have figured how to trick it, ...  by making a contextual link in hypothes.is (I can access the following link in an incognito browser, even after logging out).  It goes down to the section on my talk:



Dr. Robert E. Belford
UALR Department of Chemistry
501 569-8824

Ta-Wei, Li

Aug 21, 2020, 6:29:44 PM8/21/20
to ios...@googlegroups.com

Hi, Bob,

I am sorry that I wake up too late and cannot attend your zoom meeting.  I wish that your meeting went well.  I saw your Virtual Labs courses in Chemistry Libretexts and appreciate your work a lot.

Thank you and keep in touch.

Ta-Wei (Dave)

Robert Belford <rebe...@ualr.edu> 於 2020年8月20日 週四 下午8:57寫道:
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