Interesting Seminar Speaker

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Robert Belford

Apr 20, 2021, 11:27:06 AM4/20/21
to Bucholtz, Ehren, BoB LeSuer, Joshua Schrier, James Lookadoo, Elena Lisitsyna, Jonathan Forman, Kim, Sunghwan (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E], David Yaron, Jordi Cuadros, Gupta, Tanya, John W. Moore, David Gill, IOSTlab,, Jan Springer
Hi Friends,

On April 23 at 3 pm (CDT) Stefan Poslad of QMUL will give a talk to our CIS seminar and it is open to the public, I think Ehren has interacted with him before COVID when they remotely joined one of my students presentations.  He is a very interesting guy, here is a CRC book he wrote

Please join if you are free and interested.
(pardon any cross posting, but I included a couple of lists)

Cheers and hope everyone is well,

Blackboard Collaborate Guest Link

Title: From IoT to IoBT to Hybrid Biological Digital Computer Games and other applications
Stefan Poslad and Raphael Kim, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)


To illustrate what IoT is, we begin by considering some applications of how we can network green plants as part of IoT. Some of the challenges in monitoring living things in-the-wild are discussed. There are many variants of IoT but we focus on an Internet of Bio things (IoBT) and look at more specific networks of Bio-things such as the Internet of Bio Nano Things. We then introduce as a specific example of an IoBT, some studies we’ve undertaken to widen citizen’s interest in biology, specifically through playing types of serious, slow, games with microbes focussing on some human computer interaction (HCI) aspects. The first study examined player’s expectations on the possible experiences of playing biotic games, through speculative design, low fidelity prototyping, and participant interviews. The second and the third study involved measurement and analysis of actual player experiences, by designing, testing, and reflecting on two biotic game artefacts, Mould Rush and MouldCraft. Finally, we will offer some reflections to consider the future of IoBT.


Stefan Poslad, Ph.D, is an associate Prof. and leads the IoT2US (Internet of Things to Ubiquitous, Computer, Science) Lab at Queen Mary University of London. His research and teaching interests include ubiquitous computing, Internet of Things (IoT); smart-environments, intelligent systems and IoT security and privacy. He has been the lead researcher for QMUL on over 15 international collaborative projects with industry. He is the author of a leading book on Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interaction, that has over 850 research citations and is in use for teaching by over 70 institutes worldwide across 6 continents. He has published over 100 research papers and can be found on Google Scholar, Orchid, ResearchGate and Linkedin. According to a recent study by Stanford university, he’s regarded to be in the top 2% of all scientists in the world.

Raphael Kim, Ph.D is a designer and HCI researcher, investigating our fraught, and often peculiar relationships with biology and technology. He designs playful artefacts, which incorporate living, (micro-)biological materials with computer systems, to better understand the implications of our bio-digitally mediated futures. Following his master’s degree and visiting lectureship at Design Interactions, Royal College of Art (RCA), Raphael gained his Ph.D degree in 2020 from Media and Arts Technology program, Queen Mary University in London, UK.  
Dr. Robert E. Belford
UALR Department of Chemistry
501 916-6540
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