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IOOS welcomes 6 students to Google Summer of Code 2024!

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Micah Wengren - NOAA Federal

May 13, 2024, 4:12:31 PM5/13/24
to, _NOS IOOS DMAC Announcements, _NOAA IOOS Program, Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes, Mathew Biddle - NOAA Federal


IOOS is pleased to announce that six student projects have been accepted to participate in Google Summer of Code 2024!

Details about 2024 student projects and associated mentors are available here:  

This year, projects under the IOOS organization range from developing enhancements to ERDDAP in Java to working in Python on topics ranging from virtual dataset generation in kerchunk, accessing ocean modeling inputs and outputs, and visualizing and quality control implementation for underwater glider datasets.

Congratulations to the students whose proposals were accepted and thank you to everyone that submitted an application to one of IOOS’ project ideas.  We wish you all the best going forward and encourage you to continue to contribute to open source communities such as IOOS and GSoC - participation by new contributors is essential to sustaining open source software - thank you!

Next steps for the GSoC program include the ‘community bonding’ period, where students and mentors can get to know one another and begin discussing their projects, and the start of the summer coding period where student projects officially begin on May 27.  

Lastly, thank you to all of the GSoC mentors that submitted project ideas to IOOS’ GSoC application this year: the GSoC program is truly about the mentor/student relationship and none of these projects would be possible without your willingness to volunteer your time and guide your mentees to success in completing their projects.


Micah, Matt, Filipe 

IOOS’ GSoC Org admins

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