Fwd: Seminar on NOAA 'Omics Data Management Practices and Resources

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Mathew Biddle - NOAA Federal

Jul 1, 2024, 11:16:03 AM (6 days ago) Jul 1
to _NOS US MBON, ioos...@googlegroups.com
FYI, check out this seminar coming up on July 17th "Making NOAA 'Omics Data FAIR: The NOAA Omics Data Management Guide"

The NOAA Omics Data Management Guide is the resource IOOS is referencing for guidance on eDNA/Omics data management practices.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Zachary Gold - NOAA Federal <zachar...@noaa.gov>
Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 1:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: Seminar on NOAA 'Omics Data Management Practices and Resources
To: Formel, Stephen K <sfo...@usgs.gov>, Mathew Biddle - NOAA Federal <mathew...@noaa.gov>


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: NOAA OMICS - NOAA Service Account <noaa....@noaa.gov>
Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 9:21 AM
Subject: Seminar on NOAA 'Omics Data Management Practices and Resources
To: Kelly Goodwin - NOAA Federal <kelly....@noaa.gov>, Krista Nichols - NOAA Federal <krista....@noaa.gov>, Nicole Miller - NOAA Affiliate <nicole...@noaa.gov>, Katherine Silliman - NOAA Affiliate <katherine...@noaa.gov>, Zachary Gold - NOAA Federal <zachar...@noaa.gov>, Reagan Errera - NOAA Federal <reagan...@noaa.gov>, Kim Parsons - NOAA Federal <kim.p...@noaa.gov>, Felipe Arzayus - NOAA Federal <felipe....@noaa.gov>, Kirsten Larsen - NOAA Federal <kirsten...@noaa.gov>, John Kucklick <john.k...@nist.gov>, Ava Ellett - NOAA Federal <Ava.E...@noaa.gov>, Mark Vandersea - NOAA Federal <mark.w.v...@noaa.gov>, Jeff Guyon - NOAA Federal <jeff....@noaa.gov>, Jonathan Whitney - NOAA Federal <jonathan...@noaa.gov>, Richard McBride - NOAA Federal <richard...@noaa.gov>, Meredith Everett - NOAA Federal <meredith...@noaa.gov>, Ruth Ewing - NOAA Federal <ruth....@noaa.gov>, Phillip Morin - NOAA Federal <philli...@noaa.gov>, Wes Larson - NOAA Federal <wes.l...@noaa.gov>, Shannara Lynn - NOAA Federal <shanna...@noaa.gov>, Allen Collins - NOAA Federal <allen....@noaa.gov>, Thomas Greig - NOAA Federal <thomas...@noaa.gov>, Gabrielle Canonico - NOAA Federal <gabrielle...@noaa.gov>, Jennifer Koss - NOAA Federal <jennif...@noaa.gov>, John Tomczuk - NOAA Federal <john.t...@noaa.gov>, Julien Lartigue - NOAA Federal <julien....@noaa.gov>, Kimani Kimbrough - NOAA Federal <kimani.k...@noaa.gov>, Todd OBrien - NOAA Federal <todd....@noaa.gov>, Heather Coleman - NOAA Federal <heather...@noaa.gov>, Daniel Wieczorek - NOAA Federal <daniel.w...@noaa.gov>, Lindsey Stadler - NOAA Federal <lindsey...@noaa.gov>, Alyse Larkin - NOAA Affiliate <alyse....@noaa.gov>, Kaitlin Goldsmith - NOAA Affiliate <kaity.g...@noaa.gov>, Rebecca Briggs - NOAA Federal <rebecca...@noaa.gov>, Alice Lau - NOAA Affiliate <alic...@noaa.gov>, Juli Trtanj - NOAA Federal <juli....@noaa.gov>

Hi NOAA 'Omics Working Group and NOAA Program Managers, 

I'm reaching out to invite you to the next NOAA 'Omics Seminar Series on the NOAA 'Omics Data Management Guide (info below). Please feel free to forward to grantees or representatives that may be interested in learning more about NOAA 'Omics Data Management Practices and Resources!

NOAA 'Omics Seminar Series - Webinar -  July 17, 2024 2:00-3:00pm EST

You can register here.

Title: Making NOAA 'Omics Data FAIR: The NOAA Omics Data Management Guide

Presenter:  Katherine Silliman, Research Biologist, NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

Abstract: The vision of the NOAA ‘Omics Strategy is to integrate 'omics data across line offices and transform our approach to biological investigation to benefit people, communities, and economies. Key to this vision are effective, standardized data management strategies that account for the diversity of ‘omics data types and facilitate integration with associated environmental data. To begin tackling this challenge, the NOAA Omics Data Management Guide was developed by members of the NOAA ‘Omics community across the agency, and was built from principles provided in the NOAA Data Management Directives Handbook. The Guide is an online resource to provide best practice guidance and tools for ‘omics data management to a variety of end-users, including internal NOAA and affiliate staff, program managers seeking to implement ‘omics tools or integrate with ‘omics data, and NOAA grant recipients. In addition to detailed guidance, this resource provides data management tools including 1) a NOAA Omics Template for writing a data management plan, 2) a collection of study data templates for standardized management of data and metadata, and 3) code to prepare certain ‘omics data types for sharing to OBIS, a UNESCO-funded global repository for marine biodiversity observations. Data management plans that incorporate the principles of the Guide will increasingly be required across NOAA funding programs to meet government mandates for Public Access to Research Results (PARR). Come learn more about how to use the guide and the main recommendations for 'omics data management.

Happy Friday, 


Zachary Gold, PhD (he/him)

Group Lead

PMEL Ocean Molecular Ecology Group

Mobile: (310) 795-0020

Office: ‪(206) 526-6531

NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) | pmel.noaa.gov

7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115

Looking for a time to meet? Look here for open spots in my calendar!

*I sometimes work irregular hours, but I respect your work schedule and do not expect an action or reply outside of your working hours.

Mathew Biddle, Physical Scientist
US Integrated Ocean Observing System Office
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring MD 20910
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