Offering small bounty to update Android Based Robotics IOIO project to Android Studio

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Dean Du Bois

2016/05/28 12:21:412016/05/28
To: ioio-users
Anyone interested in updating this project to Android Studio with current IOIO version?

I have been trying for a week, but my limited knowledge of Android and IOIO have left me guessing.

Android based Autonomous Robot: navigate, Identify, and manipulate objects
OpenCV identifies centroid HSV blob moves pan/tilt & drive/turn to track object
minSDK 19, Target SDK 23
Android device connects to IOIO via bluetooth
Hardware includes Ackerman steering with 2 DOF w/ Pan&Tilt gamble

I've updated to IOIO firmware 506, and IOIOLib 5.07

Program displays live camera view with overlay of detected color blobs (no crash).  
Crash when “AUTO” button is pressed, image is used to calculate changes to Pan/Tilt servers as well as Forward/Reverse/Turn PWM electronic speed control. Crash occurs when attempting IOIO pulse width on a NULL object. I set breakpoints in setup() {which should catch when IOIO is powerd-on}, but they never trip, so the object is never instantiated. 01-08 06:11:27.158 15300-15588/
com.abr_followleader E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-1573
Process: com.abr_followleader, PID: 15300
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 
void ioio.lib.api.PwmOutput.setPulseWidth(int)' on a null object reference

Dean Du Bois

2016/05/30 9:06:042016/05/30
To: ioio-users

OK, I gave another shot at importing the project into Android Studio, and it looks like it is working.
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