IOIOBoard v1 and "new" Android version

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Salvatore Piazza

Aug 29, 2022, 10:26:01 AM8/29/22
to ioio-users
Hi, @all.
More than 10 years ago, I've buyed an IOIOBoard and develop an home allarm with this Board controlled by a Samsung mobile phone with Gingerbread installed (2.3.3).

My allarm still work, but for notification purpose I want to use Telegram instead of SMS.
But unfortunately Gingerbread implements only TLS 1.0, deprecated in Telegram API.

So I decide to "move" all on a Lollipop Mobile Phone, but I ran into the problem with USB problem while connecting with IOIOBoard.

I read many topics about this problem and I understand:
  • my Board has the App-IOIO0300.ioioapp firmware and I can't able to upgrade because I need or a PIC programmer o an other IOIOBoard. If I Try to upgrade with  IOIO Manager APP (installed in my Gingerbread phone) the yellow led in the board blink very short
  • IOIOlib for Java  (recent version) , I understood solve this problem with the OpenAccessory (need hard refactor of the code) but I don't understand if there is a compatibility matrix between firmware and IOIOlib version. In other word could I use newest version of IOIOlib with the  App-IOIO0300.ioioapp firmware?
Someone could me please reply about right/wrong sentence above?

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