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GURPS Mailing List

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Sue and Sean

Sep 22, 1994, 10:28:27 AM9/22/94
Announcing ...

---===<<<{{{ THE RETURN OF THE SON OF }}}>>>===---

---===<<<{{{ THE GURPS MAILING LIST }}}>>>===---

GURPSnet-L is a forum for any and all discussion of the Generic
Universal Role-Playing System (GURPS), published by Steve Jackson
Games. It is an open, unmoderated mailing list, managed by Sean
Barrett <>, using the Majordomo list server on Netcom.

To subscribe, send mail to The subject line is
ignored. The body of the message should consist of the single line

subscribe GURPSnet-L <your-email-address>

Note that you must specify your *email address*, not your name.
Majordomo is not Listserv.

For more information, you can send "help" or "info" messages to
Majordomo, or contact

While Sean Barrett has written some material for GURPS, neither he nor
his mailing list have any official connection with Steve Jackson
Games. "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" and "AD&D" are registered
trademarks, "TSR" and "Nazi" are unregistered trademarks of TSR,
Inc. ... none of which should ever be mentioned here.

Susan and Sean (order optional) I waste hundreds, if not thousands of
S & S Enterprises dollars every time I post to News.

More than likely, at least one Trademark/copyright was used without permission
in the above posting. Get a life. If I intended to dilute a trademark I'd
be standing near the photocopier asking everyone if they wanted to Xerox
that item.

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