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IOU Summer Session Recruitment

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Austin Loomis

May 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/26/96

The Summer Session is upon us at dear old IOU, and we need your help.
(As if that weren't obvious even at the best of times.)
In May 1994, there were four messages posted to the IOU newsgroup,
all in the same thread ("No Summer Session?"). They were the first on-
group traffic in two months, and it would be three months before any
more posts were made.
In May 1995, there were thirty-seven posts (that's an average of
*more* than one a day -- not bad for a "creative" newsgroup local to
the system in question), containing material running the gamut from a
Supers final to the arrival of a dangerous vampire on campus to some
appearances by Hybrid Cockroach (co-star of WerePenguin Press' often-
delayed LNH series _Unlikely Aliens_).
In May 1996, only six posts were made, and they were, in order:
a call (similar to this one) for more plot advancement; three posts to
reacquaint the readership with the characters already extant (necessary,
now that any IOU message over 30 days old gets expired); and two minor
installments of an ongoing storyline (a faceoff between Sonja Blue and
the Vampire Lestat).
Have we sunk so far from the BBS days? Is this the end of IOU?
Not if you don't want it to be. I'm trying to keep the newsgroup
afloat, so that there'll always be at least *one* article in it, but
it's heavy work. If you've got an IOU character concept you'd like to
use, then by all means, give it a try!
This is *not* a command. This is an invitation. If it interest
you, strangely or otherwise, then here's how you can accept it.
_Current subscribers_: subscribe io.iou by the normal means
for your newsreader. If you subscribe to io.iou already, post what you
like when you like.
_Users on other systems_: telnet to and login as `new'.
You'll be signed up at the usual fairly-reasonable rate.
We're looking for characters in _any_ campaign type. Silly, of
course, is easiest to do, being unfettered by trifles like logic and
proportion. Weird is good, but be prepared for the superheroes running
around (and be at least smatteringly conversant with Superguy). Darkly
Illuminated is good, especially if you can write it better than I do
(shouldn't be too hard).
Faculty are just as necessary as students, remember, and old-time
IOU typists are invited to return (this especially goes for Gus "Lestat"
Smedstad, if he feel like joining the party and coping with, or warning
me away from, what I've got planned for his alter ego). Wannabe Temp-
Deans are invited to issue challenges to the current TempDean, Lady Dainna
Anne Nahuatl-MacBear y Staarlinn, Ambassador Marital from the Galactic
Confederacy to the Sphere of Staarlinn in the Realms Khirbian (and spouse
to our Superdean Gaalan IV d'Staarlinn) any time, and (her busy schedule
permitting) she'll meet you and your second in the Avant Gardens before
Gallatin's Birthday; wannabe Unseen Deans may simply emerge from the
shadows at their own (in)convenience.
Thank you for your time.
Austin Loomis | Rule #1: The ArchDean always gets 10%. | Rule #2: There aren't *any* exceptions to Rule #1.
| No freebies!
| Rule #3: Don't mess with cats.

David J. Snyder

May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4oo3vn$>, Austin Loomis <> wrote:
> And help me keep active as well. Do the
>things I'm planning to do: Post your characters' stats to it, or create
>someone stats-first and *then* bring em into newsgroup continuity. Post

How many points does a gigantic robotic Bison cost?

"Listen to yourself. How could you be so stupid? People don't
come back from the dead." "... the Blood Syndicate ain't over yet.
It just stopped for a while, is all."
-Dogg, Blood Syndicate #35

Austin Loomis

May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4oa93j$>, I wrote, among other things:

> In May 1996, only six posts were made, and they were, in order:
>a call (similar to this one) for more plot advancement; three posts to
>reacquaint the readership with the characters already extant (necessary,
>now that any IOU message over 30 days old gets expired); and two minor
>installments of an ongoing storyline (a faceoff between Sonja Blue and
>the Vampire Lestat).

In the five days since I posted those words, the days that now round
out the lusty month of May, we've gotten *seven* new articles in io.iou
-- more than we got in the preceding twenty-five-and-a-bit days, and
*much* more than in May of 1994. A new poster has responded to the call
(sound off please, everyone else at -- or elsewhere for that
-- who's read this), and some other old-timers have emerged from their
But we still need *your* help. Messages over 30 days old are being
expired. We need *you* to keep the newsgroup active over the summer.
I'd cheerfully do it alone, but I have a job (sort of), *and* most of
my characters are hopelessly tied up in plotlines belonging to other
typists (much as I hate to point it out, Scott, that White Courtesy Phone
is ringing again). So join the party if you like. You're always welcome
at our house, any time of the day.

And help me keep active as well. Do the
things I'm planning to do: Post your characters' stats to it, or create
someone stats-first and *then* bring em into newsgroup continuity. Post

ideas for new departments, or new student scams -- er, services. _Gehen
Sie zum affengeil!_ (Dog-German for "Go apes**t!") Remember, outside
the Big 8, old newsgroups never die -- they just sit in your .newsrc
and wait...
Austin Loomis | 1. Self-righteous vigilantes kiss ventriloquists as | fences discipline years and nightmare interludes.
| 2. James Brown! James Brown!
| -- the Coatless Code

Austin Loomis

May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4oo4hc$>, David J. Snyder <> wrote:
>In article <4oo3vn$>, Austin Loomis <> wrote:
>> And help me keep active as well. Do the
>>things I'm planning to do: Post your characters' stats to it, or create
>>someone stats-first and *then* bring em into newsgroup continuity. Post
>How many points does a gigantic robotic Bison cost?
I'd have to dig out a copy of GURPS ROBOTS, or maybe GURPS VEHICLES (2nd
ed coming soon), to answer that -- and, due to unfortunate budgetary
considerations, I actually have neither. Sorry.
Austin Loomis | |
| Blank and Lebling left this space intentionally.

David J. Snyder

Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96

In article <4oo8o2$>, Austin Loomis <> wrote:
>>How many points does a gigantic robotic Bison cost?
>I'd have to dig out a copy of GURPS ROBOTS, or maybe GURPS VEHICLES (2nd
>ed coming soon), to answer that -- and, due to unfortunate budgetary
>considerations, I actually have neither. Sorry.

I've got both....somewhere. But I don't recall any point costs
for having a vehicle. It was bought like other Equipment.
Which means like Filthy Rich or something to "own" it.

I suppose with Robots I could figure out how many points it would
cost to be a giant Robot Bison, and then buy it as a Patron
or Ally or something.


Austin Loomis

Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96

In article <4opp21$>, David J. Snyder <> wrote:
>In article <4oo8o2$>, Austin Loomis <> wrote:
>>>How many points does a gigantic robotic Bison cost?
>>I'd have to dig out a copy of GURPS ROBOTS, or maybe GURPS VEHICLES (2nd
>>ed coming soon), to answer that -- and, due to unfortunate budgetary
>>considerations, I actually have neither. Sorry.
>I've got both....somewhere. But I don't recall any point costs
>for having a vehicle. It was bought like other Equipment.
>Which means like Filthy Rich or something to "own" it.
>I suppose with Robots I could figure out how many points it would
>cost to be a giant Robot Bison, and then buy it as a Patron
>or Ally or something.
I think it technically counts as super-equipment, which *does* cost points,
sad to say. (It'd be easier if _Power Rangers_ were more like _Zyuranger_
-- the Shugoju [Dinozords] were avatars of the Godhead rather than mere
mecha. Speaking which, when're we going to see the next SR/JR post? I've
had some thoughts relating to the B Team's Zeonization, and I'd like to
discuss them when you've a moment, though *that* probably ought to be taken
to email...)
Austin Loomis | They've got -- a power and a force that you've never seen | before...
| They've got -- the ability to morph and to even up the
| score...

David J. Snyder

Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96

In article <4oq19a$>, Austin Loomis <> wrote:

>I think it technically counts as super-equipment, which *does* cost points,
>sad to say. (It'd be easier if _Power Rangers_ were more like _Zyuranger_

Yeah, the option then becomes ignore Vehicles and just create it as
a Super Gadget. Which makes Suede Ranger a massively expensive

I don't know. Maybe I'll just drop the Zord into a Black Hole.
Or do SR's stats in Toon instead.

>mecha. Speaking which, when're we going to see the next SR/JR post? I've
>had some thoughts relating to the B Team's Zeonization, and I'd like to
>discuss them when you've a moment, though *that* probably ought to be taken
>to email...)

Post, post. That would require me to write something, right?
E-mail me, as I don't know where the portal Davey and Seraphina
went through leads.

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