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NXT-to-iPhone Primer

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Jonathan Dumaine

Dec 3, 2009, 1:20:54 AM12/3/09
to iNXT Remote

I'm going to come right out and say it: For my engineering class I
have to program an NXT to teach kids how to do math. I figured a good
way to do this is by having the kids race with two NXTs; they will be
asked questions on an iDevice, then if they answer the question
correctly their NXT will move forward, if they answer incorrectly
their NXT will go backwards. Whosever NXT crosses the finish line
first, wins! Fun, right??

So I'm asking for a primer on building the iPhone side of my little
game. I'm an experienced iPhone dev so that's the easy part. What I
don't know how to do is control the NXT using the bridge. Are there
any examples, tutorials, documentation on this? Or maybe I could see a
few of the source files from the iNXT remote app to learn how to do a
few basic things like control the motors and communicate with the
server; that's all I really need. Help will be greatly appreciated. Do
it for the children! ;)

Thanks for the great app and server!

Jonathan Dumaine

iNXT Remote

Dec 6, 2009, 3:42:48 PM12/6/09
to iNXT Remote
Hello, I've sent you an email with more info, but the basics can be
found by looking through the code for my server (available at:, and the code both the
iPhone and Server were based on (available here:

On Dec 3, 12:20 am, Jonathan Dumaine <>
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