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Instal the app

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William Sunderman

Mar 27, 2015, 1:19:26 PM3/27/15
I am using a iPhone 4s and a mac Yosemite. How do i install the app. Is there a step by step pdf or video. I saw i needed a program for my computer what is that and where do i download it? Thanks

iNXT Remote

Mar 27, 2015, 1:28:09 PM3/27/15
Hello William, 

The bridge app can be found here: As a warning, the iPhone app, iNXT Remote is apparently not working on iOS 8.  I am aware of this, and am working on a rewritten version made for more modern versions of iOS, but I have no ETA on it at this time.

Daniel Siemer

William Sunderman

Sep 24, 2015, 5:21:51 PM9/24/15
to iNXT Remote
On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 1:19:26 PM UTC-4, William Sunderman wrote:
> I am using a iPhone 4s and a mac Yosemite. How do i install the app. Is there a step by step pdf or video. I saw i needed a program for my computer what is that and where do i download it? Thanks

Does it work with IOS 8.? Yet?

iNXT Remote

Sep 24, 2015, 5:35:02 PM9/24/15
to iNXT Remote
I still do not have an exact ETA.  The app has been nearly completely rewritten and is 90% done, but some bugs in the new version need to be fixed before I can ship it. I apologize for the delay, this summer has been busy and not left much time for my side project, but progress is being made, and the new app will be a huge upgrade, with support for the EV3 and iPad.
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