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App is completely unresponsive under iOS 9

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Scott Marchant

Nov 21, 2015, 6:51:15 PM11/21/15
to iNXT Remote
None of the buttons work.  The app behaves as if it were just a screenshot.  If you can't fix this, you probably should remove it from sale.

iNXT Remote

Nov 21, 2015, 6:56:15 PM11/21/15
to iNXT Remote
Hello, as I've said in the iOS 8 thread, I apologize for the delay in getting this fixed, I am working on the last bugs for a completely rewritten version and will be submitting the update soon.  I apologize for the issue, this has always been a side project, and I haven't been able to give it the attention I should.

If you desire a refund, you can request one from Apple.

Daniel Siemer
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