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iNXT Remote 1.1

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iNXT Remote

Jan 13, 2010, 2:59:14 PM1/13/10
to iNXT Remote
iNXT Remote 1.1 is in for review at Apple.
Apologies for it taking so long, but in the end, I wanted to make sure
NXT 2.0's color sensor was supported, and could not do that till after
I got the set, which I did not get till Christmas break. In the
meantime I overhauled a number of things. The other big changes are
to the UI, with proper transitions everywhere (the overall UI didn't
change much at all, except on the file page) as well as the
networking. The networking is more informative about errors, and has
a better design on the back end, allowing me to eliminate a number of
bugs that plagued the old system.

The official release notes that will be on the app store once it is
*New features*
-Full support for the NXT 2.0's Color sensor!
-Get the lego preset colors with Color Full
-Get the raw sensor values with Color Red, Blue, and Green
-Get the raw light value with Color None
-NXT name change on the status page, just tap the current name to
change it.

-Overhauled UI, now with proper transition animations everywhere from
connection management, to file browser
-Overhauled Networking, faster, more informative on errors, and many
bug fixes.
-Overhauled file system access for the NXT, much faster to load the
file list.

iNXT Remote

Jan 14, 2010, 7:21:04 PM1/14/10
to iNXT Remote
iNXT Remote 1.1 has been approved by Apple and should be available any
time now. If you have any questions about the new version, feel free
to ask.
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