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iNXT Remote 1.0.1 approved!

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iNXT Remote

Jul 3, 2009, 1:41:09 PM7/3/09
to iNXT Remote
iNXT Remote 1.0.1 has been approved, and is "Ready for Sale", which
means it should be up as soon as it propagates through Apple's

Action Buttons for the third motor on Vehicle Control page
Auto Centering Joystick

Accelerometer controls vastly improved, now buffered for smoother
Several minor memory leaks fixed

Saved data should not be affected by this upgrade, but it never hurts
to have a backup just in case.


Jul 3, 2009, 11:57:10 PM7/3/09
to iNXT Remote

Thank you for replying to me in the other thread. This update seems
to have addressed many of my issues with this application. The
addition of the joystick vastly improves my opinion of this app, and
it seems to be working just fine. The addition of port A motor
control is great.

I also have a couple of things I would love to see fixed. The
accelerometer control seems to work acceptably, although it is not as
smooth as it could be. First of all, once the phone is tilted past
the point where the joystick is all the way forward, it resets back to
the center. Maybe this is how you meant it to be, but I would love to
see it continue at the top, and remain going full speed ahead. Also,
maybe you could tighten the connecting process between the NXT and the
iNXT app? With the iPhone 3.0 OS, a direct connection to the NXT is
possible. If you could implement this into your app that would be

Anyway, I appreciate the work you put into this update, and I feel
that this app is now usable.

Thank you!


iNXT Remote

Jul 4, 2009, 12:36:56 PM7/4/09
to iNXT Remote
I am glad that this solved most of your problems with the app, it
would've been out sooner, possibly as much as a week ago, but Apple
got swamped with updates to fix minor 3.0 issues.

I agree the accelerometer controls could use some work still. I am
still trying to learn the best methods for using the accelerometer, I
just didn't want to delay the joystick and other minor fixes while I
figured that out, and reworked the UI.

As I have said elsewhere on this forum, in emails, and even on the
info panel on the app store, direct Bluetooth connection is simply not
possible at this time. Apple requires that all dock connector, and
bluetooth accessories that are talked to directly by an application be
a part of their "Made for iPod" program, and have an authenticator
chip in them. Even if Lego decided to go that route and make an NXT
with the Made for iPod badge on it, older NXT's wouldn't have the
chip, negating its usefulness to my existing customers. If Apple
opens up real Bluetooth access, I will be more than glad to add this
capability, but I am not holding my breath that it will happen.
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