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Jul 5, 2009, 9:37:14 AM7/5/09
to iNXT Remote
I would like to see direct bluetooh control this would be so cool

iNXT Remote

Jul 5, 2009, 6:12:41 PM7/5/09
to iNXT Remote
I would like to see it to. As I have said elsewhere, it is
unfortunately impossible for the time being. iPhone OS 3.0's
accessories capabilities comes with the restriction that it requires
new devices that are approved through Apple to talk to the phone.
Yes, the phone can pair to an NXT, why, I really don't know since
there is no way for me to access that connection. If Apple opens this
up in a way that iNXT Remote can talk to the NXT, I will add it.


Jan 2, 2013, 8:11:53 PM1/2/13
I really think port forwarding is too much of a hassle to do and anyways I have major problems doing it, but Apple has released IOS 6 (I'm still on 5.0.1) and , I have seen a Cydia app that lets you control DIRECTLY from your phone, just connect and there you go.The only problem is that it is motion controlled and it really is very hard to control, I like your touch screen controls, in fact I love the app but it would PERFECT if you could make it so we can all use bluetooth, I am pretty sure not alot of people are still on IOS 3.0. Thank you!

iNXT Remote

Jan 2, 2013, 9:06:45 PM1/2/13
to iNXT Remote
While the reason behind my statement several years ago was about iOS 3
not having access, it has not changed in the intervening years for iOS
6, and from every conversation I've had with Apple employees over the
years, it likely never will change. There is still no *public* api
for connecting directly to to an NXT. In fact, I have not even heard
of private API's that can do it. Apps like LegoDrive on Cydia use
BTStack library, an entirely separate bluetooth stack that runs in
place of Apple's stack (and doing that is definitely a no no for an
app store app). I cannot provide this functionality in an App Store
app, and I will not be writing a version for Cydia.

Apologies, but this is the way it is. The one current API for
bluetooth access to older devices requires control over both hardware
and software, along with approval from Apple to join their NDA covered
Made for iPhone program (which has a lot of requirements, including
experience in building and shipping hardware), and I am not affiliated
with Lego, and have no control over the NXT (and it already having
shipped, so can't really change it now), and having to use some form
of bridge module would still be ugly, even if I could make and ship
such a thing (which I can't). If the NXT had Bluetooth 4.0, there is
a public API on the iPhone 4S and 5 for talking to a device using the
new low energy profiles, but the NXT doesn't have that, so that route
is out as well.

Again, if Apple ever changes their position on this, I will add it as
fast as I can, but this is unlikely to change now as older specs
continue to get older, and Apple has always had a policy of moving
forward regardless.


Jan 3, 2013, 4:22:08 AM1/3/13
That's a shame, but just curious why won't you be writing one for cydia?

iNXT Remote

Jan 3, 2013, 7:19:46 AM1/3/13
to iNXT Remote
Because I choose not to. I do not run my devices jailbroken, or
encourage others to do so. Apple is the legitimate avenue for
acquiring and selling apps for the phone, and I like my relationship
with Apple overall for both this application and my current job, and
would prefer not to risk it by developing for jailbroken devices.
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