How do I fire a modal for the next step in my introjs?

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Marc Gayle

Feb 26, 2015, 6:38:36 PM2/26/15
So IntroJS works off of the `data-intro` and `data-step` attributes.

So for instance my logo looks like this:

    <h1 id="logo" data-step="1" data-intro="Welcome to MyApp, where you can start creating an album for generations! Let us help you get started.">

But for step 3 it is on an element that when pressed, the next step should be on the modal that would appear if the element in Step 3 was pressed.

I have this as my `Step 4` which doesn't work:

    <div class="popup" id="add-images-step-1" data-step="4" data-intro="GETS TO UPLOADING">

Right now, when you reach `Step 3` and press `next`, it gives you an empty white box that is off-screen.

How do I get it to focus on that modal?
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