CSP store/view global-data as 'img src'/picture

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Christian Ditters

Feb 24, 2006, 12:33:41 PM2/24/06
to intersystems...@info2.kinich.com
hi, i want to store a f ile (eg .tif/.jpg) as a global and use this data to
display on a website.
storing data (object script) to global '^test' seems to work with this code:

<form action="test.csp" enctype="multipart/form-data" method=post>
<input name="FileStream" type="file" size="50"></td></tr>
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="speichern"></td></tr>
<script language="Cache" runat="server">
i $d(%request.MimeData("FileStream",1)) d ;
. s name=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1).FileName
. s size=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1).Size
. s section=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1).MimeSection
. s type=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1).%ClassName(1)
. s content=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1).ContentType
. f i=1:1:((size\80)+1) d ;
.. s ^test("stream",i)=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1).Read(80)

but how can i use this 'global-data' to display as "<img src="...?
any idea?



Feb 24, 2006, 12:58:45 PM2/24/06
to intersystems...@info2.kinich.com
Christian Ditters wrote:
> How can I display a %GlobalBinaryStream as <img src="..."/>?

See example below for other content type.
Of course you want to change the content type to "image/jpeg" or whatever is appropriate.
You need to open and use the correct %GlobalBinaryStream rather than %FileBinaryStream.
You can make one CSP that serves all images.
<img src="imageserve.csp?filename=myImage1.jpg"/>

If you have any trouble with the modifications, just ask.
If you would like to code this as a regular CSP, Nuno provided an example last year that I can get for you which you can modify for %Streams.
Remember to share your code by posting it here when you are done.
Hopefully we'll end up with generalized code someday.
There is nothing about %CSP.StreamServer code that is specific to just one MIME type.

Q. How do I display a file as a content type other than text/html as a CSP?

A. [Frank Schob, 2005-Jun-24@07:59:47Z, <42bbb...@info2.kinich.com>]
/// Display a PDF file
/// Expects a valid pdf file name specifed as parameter 'filename'
Class CWS.CSP.PDFViewer Extends %CSP.StreamServer [ ProcedureBlock ]
ClassMethod OnPreHTTP() As %Boolean
s ret=0
s FileName=$G(%request.Data("filename",1))
if FileName'="" {
if ##class(%File).Exists(FileName) {
s stream=##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()
d stream.LinkToFile(FileName)
s %response.ContentType="application/pdf"
d %response.SetHeader("Content-disposition","inline; filename=my.pdf")
s %response.Expires=-1
s %response.ContentLength=stream.Size
s ret=$$$OK
q ret
ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
s FileName=$G(%request.Data("filename",1))
s stream=##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()
s stream.Filename=FileName
d stream.OutputToDevice()
q $$$OK

Enrico Parisi

Feb 24, 2006, 1:35:26 PM2/24/06
to intersystems...@info2.kinich.com
Hi Denver,

why are you extending %CSP.StreamServer when you override what it
implements? In that case....just extend %CSP.Page, or I'm missing something?


Feb 24, 2006, 1:51:36 PM2/24/06
to intersystems...@info2.kinich.com
Enrico Parisi wrote:
> why are you extending %CSP.StreamServer?
I'm not.

> In that case....just extend %CSP.Page, or I'm missing something?

Yes, it's not my code. I don't use it.

A better question is why any method needs to be overridden.
I am suggesting that using FileClassify() and getting back to a generalized implementation would be a good idea.

Nuno Canas

Feb 24, 2006, 3:28:24 PM2/24/06
to intersystems...@info2.kinich.com
Denver wrote:

> If you have any trouble with the modifications, just ask.
> If you would like to code this as a regular CSP, Nuno provided an

Here you have a very basic example:

<File LoadPicture.csp>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="../Style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<TITLE> Add Picture </TITLE>

<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method=post>
<td>Enter a file to upload:</td>
<td><input name="FileStream" size=30 type="file"></td>
<td colspan=2 align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Upload file">

<script language="cache" runat="server">
w $$$cspJavaScriptStart,!
set xid=%request.Get("OBJID")
set xclass=%request.Get("CLASSE")
set xfield=%request.Get("FIELD")
//w "alert('OBJ:"_%request.Get("OBJID")_"');",!
w $$$cspJavaScriptEnd,!
<csp:IF CONDITION=($data(%request.MimeData("FileStream",1)))>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td>Size of
<tr><td>Type of
<script language=Cache runat=server>
w $$$cspJavaScriptStart,!
Set @("o = ##class("_xclass_").%OpenId("""_%request.Get("OBJID")_""")")
; copy the file into Memo
s $zobjproperty(o,xfield)=%request.MimeData("FileStream",1)
Set @("ss = o."_xfield_".SaveStream()")
; save the object and close it
set sc=o.%Save()

Do o.%Close()
kill o
; close the file
w "loc=opener.document.location;",!
w "opener.document.location=loc;",!
w "self.close();",!
w $$$cspJavaScriptEnd,!

</File LoadPicture.csp>

<File Picture.csp>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="../Style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<TITLE> View Picture </TITLE>
<csp:object name="objForm" classname="User.Foto"
<form name="form" cspbind="objForm" cspjs="All" onsubmit='return
<img name="Foto" cspbind="Foto" width="180" height="200"

<script language="Cache" method="PutPicture"
if (xobj'="") {
quit $$$OK

</File Picture.csp>

Frank Schob

Feb 27, 2006, 3:21:55 AM2/27/06
to intersystems...@info2.kinich.com
Enrico Parisi wrote:
> Hi Denver,
> why are you extending %CSP.StreamServer when you override what it
> implements? In that case....just extend %CSP.Page, or I'm missing
> something?
Ok, "%CSP.Page" would fit in this case. The reason is that the class
below is a simplification (for posting) of a more complex class.


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