Report - Orange Bowl Regatta 🍊

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Madoka Hamlin

Dec 30, 2022, 11:58:48 PM12/30/22

And this is the report for the regatta!

Orangebowl Regatta 2022


Day 1

Sailing time: 10:00 ~ 15:30

Wind direction - Coming from land all day, so it was very shifty.
Wind velocity - About 10 knots on the morning, but it died to about 6 by the first downwind, and then fully died to about 2 knots by the second downwind. After we finished the first race, there wasn’t enough wind to sail, so we had to head in. Throughout the entire race, course left has slightly more wind, possible because there was less clouds on that side.
Waves - The waves were still very choppy from earlier in the morning when there was more wind.
Clouds - It was completely overcast in the morning, but by the first race, the left side of the course had slightly less clouds. Thought the entire race, the clouds started to move over and to the right of us, leaving no wind in its track.
Current - There was current, about two boat lengths per minute, pushing us under the line.

Race overview:
I started at the middle of the line, but was about 4 boat lengths under the line. I continued on start board for as long as possible, until the fleet start to tack onto port, so I tried to play the middle right side of the course. In the top third of the race course, though, the left had a puff, and they crossed. On the downwind, I sailed straight towards the mark with no gains nor losses. On the second upwind, I sailed middle left, but the group of four who were behind me banged the left and ended up crossing me. On the reach, I sailed straight towards the mark, trying to surf the chop, but there wasn’t enough wind, about four knots. On the downwind, I tried to sail on starboard, but then realized a little too late that port jybe and sailing by the lee to the mark was the fastest, and got passed by one boat. On the last reach, I drifted towards the mark, because there was no winds. On the final upwind, I tried to roll tack my way up, and finished.
Final finish: 12th

Race notes: 
Port tack was the long tack, so not only was the left slightly windier, but the people on the left were able to get onto port quicker, so they were much faster.
The waves were slightly skewed, coming from our port-stern.
Watching the clouds might have been quite important, although the coaches didn’t say so.

Rigged and ready 8:00 tomorrow!! T-

Day 2

Sailing time: 8:30 ~ 16:00

Wind direction - Northwest -> North
Wind velocity - In the beginning, there was about 8-10 knots. It picked up to about 12 in the middle of the second race. And continued to slowly rose to 14 until the last race first upwind, then stayed.
Waves - It was choppy all day, but a little less compared to yesterday. It was also easier today ail through the chop today because there was more wind.
Clouds - The sky was very sunny in the morning, but some clouds came in in the afternoon. They weren’t in groups, just spotted across the sky, moving in from Key Biscayne area.
Current - The current was pushing us below the line on the first and second race. The third race was slack. The fourth race had slight current pushing us above the line.

Race overview: 
I started at the boat/middle-boat every start.
The long tack was port every race.
The last reach was kind of a tight reach.
On the first race, I played the right shift, then tracked on the starboard layline of the mark. Then, I sailed high on the downwind, got passed by one boat, and sailed on the left on the second upwind because the left was favored on the first upwind. However, at the top 25% of the course, the right became favored. Then, I sailed straight towards the reach mark, trying to plane. Then, I sailed low on the second downwind, trying to surf. I sailed straight on the reach again, then sailed out, tacked once, then finished on the last upwind.
Finish: 7
In the second race, I played the middle. I ended up on the port layline faster than I wanted. I sailed low on the downwind and passed two boats. On the second upwind, I played the shifts on the middle left, trying to stay away from the layline, but I ended up hitting the port layline about 15 boat lengths away. I sailed straight towards the mark on the reach. Then, I sailed low on the downwind again, I didn’t gain nor loss. Then, I sailed straight towards the mark on the last reach, then sailed out and then tacked once on the last upwind to the finish.
Finish: 8
My third and fourth race were almost exactly the same. I started at the boat, played the medium-large sized shifts, and hit the starboard layline about 5 boat lengths away from the mark. Then I sailed low on the downwind, surfing on the waves, trying to connect the bigger waves with each other. Then, I played the right-side of the fleet again, crossed on a righty, then hit the port layline too early, about 15 boat lengths away. Then, I continued on a low lane, which was only straight to the mark, but because it was slack/up-current many of the other sailors went high. I then sailed on a low lane on the downwind, surfing the waves and slowly gaining distance on the boat in front. Then, I sailed straight towards the mark on the last reach. Finally, I tacked on the starboard layline and finished.
Finishes: 5th & 10th

Race notes:
Starts - Starting at the boat on all races was favored, because there was a better chance of getting clear air quicker, and the current was pushing down, so there was always room at the boat. Also, there was lots of line sag, so starting at the boat was safer. Again, the start line was boat-favored the entire day, just changing from slight favored to more favored depending on the wind shift.
Reaches - Many people didn’t have enough vang on, according to Diego. We have to have enough vang so that the first batten on the top isn’t leaking any air. Sail straight towards the mark!!
Downwind - Many people were going high on the reach in the 4.7 fleet, and going low, not too low, was good to get clear air, and there was more wind on the low lane because the waves were coming from our port-stern side, so the waves on the course right side were clearer.
Upwind - Except for the first upwind of the day, the rest of the day, the right side was favored.

Day 3

Sailing time: 9:00 ~ 15:30

Wind direction - Around 070 in the morning. The wind was left favored the entire day.
Wind velocity - It was about 12 knots in the morning, picked up to about 14-16 in the second race, then died to about 10 in between the second and third race, then picked back up to about 14 during the last race.
Clouds - They had the most impact on the wind shifts and puffs on the course!! In the beginning of the day, the right was covered with clouds while the left was clear. This caused more wind on the left. Then, throughout the day, the clouds on the right lessened by the second race, then more came in, but was much darker. But this time, the left side had some scattered clouds.
Current - It was pushing us in the same direction as the wind the entire race day. It wasn’t a big factor except for during the starts and laylines.
Waves - It was decently choppy on the morning, and only got choppier throughout the day.

Race Notes:
Watching the clouds was very important today!!
The left side was favored because the clouds on the right, the dark clouds, were sucking up air and making a little less wind on the right. On the other hand, there was less clouds on the left, so there was more wind.

Overall Results

6th Place Overall (in ILCA 4 Fleet)
1st Girl

Full results here

Thank you for your support!!
Have a wonderful rest of the 2022 and happy new year!!
Talia Hamlin, USA 169388


On Dec 30, 2022, at 12:16, Al Sargent <> wrote:

Yes, Andron and I are going.

On Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 10:49 AM Kathleen Cornetta <> wrote:
Anyone interested in sailing Sunday out of ACSC?


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