Image objects vs presentations

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Paolo Amoroso

Jul 14, 2023, 4:59:40 AM7/14/23
to Medley Interlisp Users/Interest
Are Interlisp-D image objects conceptually similar to Symbolics Genera presentations? Can they be used in similar ways, for example for selecting a displayed object as input or manipulating it once displayed?

I don't have a specific application in mind at this time, I'm just trying to understand what these features do and when they may be useful.


Tim Daly

Jul 14, 2023, 3:07:23 PM7/14/23
to Paolo Amoroso, Medley Interlisp Users/Interest
I worked on a Symbolics machine for a couple years.

Everything, everywhere, at all times was "active".
You could click on anything.

You could "drill down" all the way to the code running on
the hardware (which was a lisp machine). If you made a change
somewhere in the call stack the change automatically propagated
to all relevant things including recompiling. It was more like
"a living thing" than a computer.

All of my AI, Expert Systems, and Computer Algebra work was
done on a Symbolics.

Unfortunately I never got to touch any of the "west coast" systems
so I can't compare.


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