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Updated video problem

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Tim Daly

Feb 11, 2023, 5:48:23 PM2/11/23
to Medley Interlisp Users/Interest, Larry Masinter, Nick Briggs, Tim Daly
hmmm... Google said my previous video was too large to attach
aka, greater than 25M so it automatically copied it to Drive.
The new video is 22M ... and Google won't let me attach it
because it is larger than 8M.



Here is a modified version per some of your suggestions.

I removed the apt update segment.
I increased the speed of the boring parts (the terminal text)
I tried the .svg version but it came out horribly due to ... me?
I don't see a way (yet) to add chapters. None of my tools would support that.
The whole file is half the run time.

I'm now looking for some text-to-speech software so I can write some
words I don't have to say.
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