Hi all – is everybody good for me to submit the standing group proposal? I have it ready to go whenever today.
Feel free to review here:
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Here is a slimmed-down version that eliminates historical background and sections that could be considered redundant. What do people think?
The Standing Group on Intellectual Property in Composition Studies (CCCC-IP) invites to its open annual meeting scholars and teachers concerned with issues of authorship, copyright, fair use, remix, access, and ownership
and use of intellectual property (IP). At this practical and action-focused meeting, the Standing Group will discuss the current status of teaching and research on authorship, copyright, and intellectual property in the field of rhetoric and composition. Participants
will meet in roundtables to discuss topics such as remix and participatory culture, plagiarism and authorship, students’ rights to their intellectual property, open access and open source publishing, and best practices in teaching students and instructors
about IP. Attendees may choose to participate in one or more of four roundtables:
Emerging Legal and Legislative Developments
This roundtable will host a discussion of legal and legislative IP developments as they affect students, educators, researchers, and educational institutions. Discussion will address enacted legislation and final court
decisions as well as ongoing cases and proposed legislation. Focus will be on implications for students and educators who wish to make appropriate use of copyrighted material in legitimate ways as they move toward reaching their educational goals, with special
attention paid to the impact of IP developments on marginalized communities.
Students’ Rights to Their Own Intellectual Property
This roundtable will focus on student IP ownership, both in and out of the classroom, how scholars and teachers can inform students about (and advocate for) their rights as content creators, remixers, and critics. Topics
of discussion will include pedagogical and organizational strategies, best practices for online production and/or publication of assignments, impacts of technologies and institutional policy on student IP, and assessment of student collaborative work with
shared ownership.
Course Development in Intellectual Property/Remix
This roundtable will discuss pedagogical approaches to IP issues, particularly in designing and delivering courses that focus on IP issues in composition. Participants will consider what instructors should cover, what
students need to know about IP from a variety of perspectives, including considerations for protecting cultural heritage and indigenous IP and recognizing different cultural approaches to IP, how IP concerns affect student professionalization and post-graduate
work, and how students can contribute to the productive and ethical valuation and circulation of various forms of IP.
Ongoing and Emerging Topics in Intellectual Property
This roundtable will discuss ongoing and newly-emerging issues in intellectual property, such as technological and social impacts on ownership, authors and advocates, developments in the Free and Open Source community,
how practices align with the sustainability of authorship as a construct, and data ownership issues. Discussion will include how the digital humanities field intersects with composition issues especially with copyright and IP issues, what questions scholars
new-to-IP issues are most interested in addressing, and how the IP-Caucus can best address the needs and questions of its incoming membership.
Following the roundtables, participants will reconvene to share their plans and recommend future action for the coming year. The business meeting also will discuss progress toward publishing a collection of key IP developments within the last 10-15 years and submission of a NCTE-sponsored grant for an IP-related research project. Attendees are also encouraged to inquire about mentoring opportunities for junior scholars and graduate students.
Dr. Kim D. Gainer
Professor of English and Associate Dean,
College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences
Radford University
Radford, VA 24142-6940
CHBS 3405
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Karen Lunsford
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 1:19 PM
To: intellectual-propert. <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Good to submit?
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Alex, okay with you if I go ahead with entering the abbreviated sections?
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I’ve been trying for a while, but I feel really good about the 7th effort, coming soon.
This is the WORST.
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Karen Lunsford
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 1:38 PM
To: intellectual-propert. <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Good to submit?
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Kim, are you currently able to submit the sections? I have updated the google doc with the updates, yes. If you can get the submission through, by all means – I’m still having trouble.
Updated version is here – please note addition of Kathy Anders
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I’ll give it a go. The platform is allowing me to submit the sponsored program, so hopefully it will allow me to upload the business meeting proposal as well.
Dr. Kim D. Gainer
Professor of English and Associate Dean,
College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences
Radford University
Radford, VA 24142-6940
CHBS 3405
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Nielsen, Alex C.
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 1:41 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Good to submit?
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Update on proposals:
The platform is allowing me to upload proposals for both the sponsored program and the business meeting, so we are on track for wrap-up by the Monday 11:59 pm deadline. Alex, I’ll let you know if I hit any roadblocks with the business meeting. There may be a scheduling issue that you will have to address by contacting a live person: The system only allowed me to select 75 minutes. Were previous business meetings restricted to 75 minutes or did they go a bit longer?
With the edits, the business meeting proposal made it with 242 characters to spare.
I was able to locate profiles for all but four people (three for business meeting and one for sponsored panel). I’ll reach out to those individuals by email to sort out getting them onto the platform.
Jeff, thanks for the advice on locating profiles!
Dr. Kim D. Gainer
Professor of English and Associate Dean,
College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences
Radford University
Radford, VA 24142-6940
CHBS 3405
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Nielsen, Alex C.
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 1:41 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Good to submit?
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Kim, I think we will have to send out a follow-on. I am happy to do this after submission if needed.
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Karen Lunsford
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 3:23 PM
To: intellectual-propert. <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Good to submit?
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