Business Meeting

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Kim Gainer

May 13, 2024, 1:20:50 PMMay 13
to Intellectual Property Caucus
Last year's proposal language, with final paragraph updated. Please send in any edits. Also please let me know if you would like to be a roundtable leader.

Title: CCCC Intellectual Property in Composition Studies Standing Group Business Meeting

Description: The Intellectual Property in Composition Studies Standing Group invites conference attendees to its open annual meeting to discuss intellectual property and writing topics such as copyright, fair use, text ownership and authorship, remixing, open sharing, appropriation, and generative AI. During this meeting, the Standing Group will consider how recent developments in intellectual property conversations and policies intersect with composition, rhetoric, and writing studies. Participants will talk about how generative AI could influence IP policies related to instruction and assessment, student intellectual property, and how to teach IP in the classroom. Instructors, administrators, graduate students, and librarians are encouraged to join in. 

Following these discussions, the Standing Group will consider actions to be taken for the following year, including discussing vision and long-term projects. The Standing Group welcomes all CCCC attendees to this meeting, including those who have never attended a prior meeting. It also provides mentoring opportunities for junior scholars and graduate students. 

The Standing Group would like to request the same Special Interest Group Thursday evening time slot that it was assigned in 2024. We request a room that can accommodate approximately 30 to 40 people with round tables set up for discussion and an overhead projector. 

Date Requested: Thursday SIG Business Meeting Slot

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