Kathy Anders
Texas A&M University
Mike Edwards
Washington State University
Clancy Ratliff
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Jeffrey Galin
Florida Atlantic University
James Purdy Duquesne University Kim Gainer
Radford University
Karen Lunsford
University of California, Santa Barbara
Laurie Cubbison Radford University Jessica Reyman
Northern Illinois University
John Logie
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Wendy Austin
Wenzhou-Kean University
Emerging Legal and Legislative Developments
This roundtable will host a discussion of legal and legislative IP developments as they affect students, educators, researchers, and educational institutions. Discussion will address enacted legislation and final court decisions as well as ongoing cases and proposed legislation. Focus will be on implications for students and educators who wish to make appropriate use of copyrighted material in legitimate ways as they move toward reaching their educational goals, with special attention paid to the impact of IP developments on marginalized communities.
Students' Rights to Their Own Intellectual Property
This roundtable will focus on student IP ownership, both in and out of the classroom, how scholars and teachers can inform students about (and advocate for) their rights as content creators, remixers, and critics. Topics of discussion will include pedagogical and organizational strategies, best practices for online production and/or publication of assignments, impacts of technologies and institutional policy on student IP, and assessment of student collaborative work with shared ownership.
Course Development in Intellectual Property/Remix
This roundtable will discuss pedagogical approaches to IP issues, particularly in designing and delivering courses that focus on IP issues in composition. Participants will consider what instructors should cover, what students need to know about IP from a variety of perspectives, including considerations for protecting cultural heritage and indigenous IP and recognizing different cultural approaches to IP, how IP concerns affect student professionalization and post-graduate work, and how students can contribute to the productive and ethical valuation and circulation of various forms of IP.
Ongoing and Emerging Topics in Intellectual Property
This roundtable will discuss ongoing and newly-emerging issues in intellectual property, such as technological and social impacts on ownership, authors and advocates, developments in the Free and Open Source community, how practices align with the sustainability of authorship as a construct, and data ownership issues. Discussion will include how the digital humanities field intersects with composition issues especially with copyright and IP issues, what questions scholars new-to-IP issues are most interested in addressing, and how the IP-Caucus can best address the needs and questions of its incoming membership.
Following the roundtables, participants will reconvene to share their plans and recommend actions for the coming year. The business meeting also will discuss progress toward publishing a collection on key IP developments within the last 10-15 years and submission of a NCTE-sponsored grant for an IP-related research project. Attendees are also encouraged to inquire about mentoring opportunities for junior scholars and graduate students
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Intellectual Property Caucus" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/5f262a5b-628f-4d81-a64f-6c83c2858548n%40googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAMT1SaVWpBqHG812R6gVGJ3TmmB3ctXXbQgmmN7nAg1TC_BgeQ%40mail.gmail.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAAcrnGoTxqC-wT%3DGhpzwn66axN-ttO4rd6bd1G%3DTeQ21k-qC%3DA%40mail.gmail.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/223f765c-72c1-4ba4-8069-ba8f30b1f853n%40googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAPBEbZxmhcGgfsjDA6rOD7m1v5vMzPNraWRPMqents8fz1-vxw%40mail.gmail.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAMT1SaWLXHWkCL6-0tGLCnw5vhiSB-qWk1M0JLKYTGPA9R7y6g%40mail.gmail.com.
I’ll be there! Excited about this plan!
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/IA1PR20MB562433B991867FCA15E7C46392D99%40IA1PR20MB5624.namprd20.prod.outlook.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/63f88d8a925c4b3d981751a51fdd6dcd%40rockford.edu.
On Feb 10, 2023, at 11:49 AM, Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com> wrote:
NOTICE: This email originated externally. It is not from a Radford University account. Use caution responding, opening attachments, or clicking links.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAPBEbZzDn-8FBjVZ41B%3D1308OYCCyX4eLkA2mSKTFZDYyd2GKg%40mail.gmail.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/DM8P220MB03437557329161DC1847BB62B5DE9%40DM8P220MB0343.NAMP220.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM.
On Feb 10, 2023, at 18:14, intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com wrote:
"Stedman, Kyle D" <KSte...@rockford.edu>: Feb 10 04:44PM
I’ll be there! Excited about this plan!
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Jim Purdy
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 3:05 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com
Cc: pur...@duq.edu
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi, all,
I will also not be at CCCC this year (good luck with your medical procedure, Danielle!) but am happy to contribute to a draft resolution on Chat GPT and similar AI. I agree this is a topic ripe for our intervention.
If it helps at all, I was interviewed for a locale publication about it, which you're welcome to draw on (or not) as is helpful: https://www.publicsource.org/chatgpt-app-ai-pittsburgh-university-plagirism-teaching-point-park/
Be well,
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Timothy Amidon <ami...@gmail.com<mailto:ami...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi all,
I'm out this year, too. If y'all end up creating a Zoom, I'd be happy to join, especially to contribute to developing a response to AI generators.
Timothy R. Amidon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Department of English | Colorado State University
Associate Professor | Colorado School of Public Health
CSU Leadership Fellow | Office of the Vice President of Research
Co-Editor | Praxis and Topoi Sections | Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, & Pedagogy
Input | Strategic | Empathy | Achiever | Intellection
pronouns | he, him, his
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 10:18 AM Karen Lunsford <klun...@writing.ucsb.edu<mailto:klun...@writing.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Hi all,
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend CCCC in person this year. I also apologize for being behind on the IP Annual; when I agreed to become the editor, I was not anticipating that I would become the chair of my program or that there would be a TA strike. That said, I am working towards catching back up, and I would be happy to zoom in with you on Wed. Would zoom be possible?
Thanks, Karen
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 8:50 AM Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com<mailto:clancy....@gmail.com>> wrote:
Perfect, thank you! I can imagine us taking the whole time, though, if we want to write a resolution. We should be leading the field in this area, and we have to get this done fast -- the Resolutions Committee is meeting the day after our Standing Group meeting -- Thursday evening at 6:30. I'm happy to represent the resolution with the Resolutions Committee (I've done it before, with our resolution on plagiarism detection services), but others are welcome too, or I'm happy to step aside if someone else especially wants to do it.
It might even be good to have some notes toward a draft started now, before the Standing Group meeting. What WHEREAS statements should we emphasize?
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 10:21 AM tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com> <tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
Thank you for the reminder Clancy, and I agree that getting a handle on generative language models and how we want to respond to them should be a primary concern. With that in mind, I'd like to invite everyone to attend our 2023 4Cs IP Standing Group meeting on Wednesday 15th, 2-5:30pm in room 4D. Cs has given us a generous three and a half hours for our meeting, but it is perfectly fine if we finish early.
A working agenda
* Attendance and introductions
* Past & Tabled business, 2020-2022
* Student Rights to IP statement – interest, strategy, planning, and timeline
* New business, 2023-2024
* Bylaws and policies
* Member proposals
* Discussion of ChatGPT and generative language models, including:
* What can generative language models do? Can't do?
* What responses have we seen in higher ed spaces? What are the assumptions and ideologies built into those assumptions and what do they say about what we value in writing?
* What principles and values do we want to see drive teacher/admin responses to generative language models?
* What issues of ownership and intellectual property do we foresee with this new writing technology (especially given that ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, which contrary to its name does not offer open source code and considers its models proprietary)?
* Open Q: do we want to organize a written response as a standing group? Do we have consensus as to what it might say?
* IP Annual – Goals and planning for 2023
* Standing Group proposal
* Topic selection and planning
* Designation of responsible parties
* Election – Chairs for 2023/2024
If folks have items they'd like to add, or if you'd like to see or run one of our traditional roundables, let me know.
On Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 11:01:14 AM UTC-5 devossda wrote:
Clancy, all:
I have a pressing medical issue and won't be able to attend CCCCs next week.
If there's anything I can prep, do, or share, please let me know.
I think your idea of drafting a statement/resolution about ChatGPT is genius and necessary.
I've asked faculty and admin in our department at MSU to head to CCCCs thinking about and asking about and gathering info on different approaches and discussions related to AI writing.
I'm hoping we can do some work to get ahead of our institution to establish an approach that is humane, attentive, and writing-focused (rather than policing-based or punitive or short-sighted in terms of the tech). I also think that WRITING PROGRAMS and writing departments should be advocates in helping our institutions understand and approach AI writing!
Anyway, if I can help, please let me know. I'm also happy to share out what we come up with here at MSU.
Chair and William J. Beal Distinguished Professor
Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
College of Arts and Letters
Michigan State University
434 Farm Lane #235
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
517/355-2400<tel:(517)%20355-2400>; 517/353-5250<tel:(517)%20353-5250> (fax)
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com<mailto:clancy....@gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 7:42 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>>; Thomas Pickering <tp...@mit.edu<mailto:tp...@mit.edu>>
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi everyone,
We meet in a week; do we have an agenda? Maybe we could draft a resolution about ChatGPT and how we can approach it as teachers? I'm concerned that we're kind of asleep at the wheel here.
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 12:05 PM Jeff Galin <jeffre...@gmail.com<mailto:jeffre...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I have not been doing research in IP lately and am not up on new filings. If you need someone to cover new legal developments, I can probably help out. If you have someone to cover, I may bow out. I will likely attend the meeting either way.
On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 8:08 PM Karen Lunsford <klun...@writing.ucsb.edu<mailto:klun...@writing.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Hi Thomas, I'm planning to attend the WRAB conference next year, so I will not be available as a roundtable leader for CCCC. Thanks! Karen Lunsford
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 9:46 AM tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com> <tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
The 4C's deadline approaches (June 7th) and we are on the lookout for members interested in leading discussion for our usual business meeting roundtables. Listed below are the roundtable leaders for last year's proposal, along with the roundtables from last year. Thanks to Kim for saving and sharing this language.
If you were listed as a roundtable leader last year, would you please let me know if you are interested in leading again for our 2023 meeting? Alternatively, if you were not listed for last year, but want to lead a roundtable, also let me know! It would be great to see a combination of familiar and new faces for what appears to be a return to in-person 4Cs. Feel free to respond here or email me at tp...@mit.edu<mailto:tp...@mit.edu>.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com>.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/5f262a5b-628f-4d81-a64f-6c83c2858548n%40googlegroups.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/5f262a5b-628f-4d81-a64f-6c83c2858548n*40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer__;JQ!!HXCxUKc!z6H5b-0IBX0Y2KC9DMp0oo4kXs-RpB9A9v-L3G6kXXXXtxhIdi687l_KJKUccz7jlyA3lqWWzt79UhvIjDrWl8SZ$>.
Karen Lunsford, PhD
Associate Professor of Writing
Director, PhD Emphasis in Writing Studies
Writing Program, 3432 South Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara 93106-3010
Pronouns: she, her, hers
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Intellectual Property Caucus" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com>.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAMT1SaVWpBqHG812R6gVGJ3TmmB3ctXXbQgmmN7nAg1TC_BgeQ%40mail.gmail.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAMT1SaVWpBqHG812R6gVGJ3TmmB3ctXXbQgmmN7nAg1TC_BgeQ*40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer__;JQ!!HXCxUKc!z6H5b-0IBX0Y2KC9DMp0oo4kXs-RpB9A9v-L3G6kXXXXtxhIdi687l_KJKUccz7jlyA3lqWWzt79UhvIjFNFfvvk$>.
Jeffrey R. Galin
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Intellectual Property Caucus" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com>.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAAcrnGoTxqC-wT%3DGhpzwn66axN-ttO4rd6bd1G%3DTeQ21k-qC%3DA%40mail.gmail.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/CAAcrnGoTxqC-wT*3DGhpzwn66axN-ttO4rd6bd1G*3DTeQ21k-qC*3DA*40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer__;JSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!z6H5b-0IBX0Y2KC9DMp0oo4kXs-RpB9A9v-L3G6kXXXXtxhIdi687l_KJKUccz7jlyA3lqWWzt79UhvIjEYYZ3Tr$>.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Intellectual Property Caucus" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com>.
To view thisClancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com>: Feb 10 10:48AM -0600
Kyle, it may just be you, me, and Thomas in person! Who else IS going to be
at the conference?
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 10:44 AM 'Stedman, Kyle D' via Intellectual
"Gainer, Kim" <kga...@RADFORD.EDU>: Feb 10 05:00PM
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 10, 2023, at 11:49 AM, Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com> wrote:
NOTICE: This email originated externally. It is not from a Radford University account. Use caution responding, opening attachments, or clicking links.
Kyle, it may just be you, me, and Thomas in person! Who else IS going to be at the conference?
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 10:44 AM 'Stedman, Kyle D' via Intellectual Property Caucus <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> wrote:
I’ll be there! Excited about this plan!
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Jim Purdy
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 3:05 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: pur...@duq.edu<mailto:pur...@duq.edu>
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi, all,
I will also not be at CCCC this year (good luck with your medical procedure, Danielle!) but am happy to contribute to a draft resolution on Chat GPT and similar AI. I agree this is a topic ripe for our intervention.
If it helps at all, I was interviewed for a locale publication about it, which you're welcome to draw on (or not) as is helpful: https://www.publicsource.org/chatgpt-app-ai-pittsburgh-university-plagirism-teaching-point-park/
Be well,
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Timothy Amidon <ami...@gmail.com<mailto:ami...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi all,
I'm out this year, too. If y'all end up creating a Zoom, I'd be happy to join, especially to contribute to developing a response to AI generators.
Timothy R. Amidon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Department of English | Colorado State University
Associate Professor | Colorado School of Public Health
CSU Leadership Fellow | Office of the Vice President of Research
Co-Editor | Praxis and Topoi Sections | Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, & Pedagogy
Input | Strategic | Empathy | Achiever | Intellection
pronouns | he, him, his
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 10:18 AM Karen Lunsford <klun...@writing.ucsb.edu<mailto:klun...@writing.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Hi all,
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend CCCC in person this year. I also apologize for being behind on the IP Annual; when I agreed to become the editor, I was not anticipating that I would become the chair of my program or that there would be a TA strike. That said, I am working towards catching back up, and I would be happy to zoom in with you on Wed. Would zoom be possible?
Thanks, Karen
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 8:50 AM Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com<mailto:clancy....@gmail.com>> wrote:
Perfect, thank you! I can imagine us taking the whole time, though, if we want to write a resolution. We should be leading the field in this area, and we have to get this done fast -- the Resolutions Committee is meeting the day after our Standing Group meeting -- Thursday evening at 6:30. I'm happy to represent the resolution with the Resolutions Committee (I've done it before, with our resolution on plagiarism detection services), but others are welcome too, or I'm happy to step aside if someone else especially wants to do it.
It might even be good to have some notes toward a draft started now, before the Standing Group meeting. What WHEREAS statements should we emphasize?
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 10:21 AM tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com> <tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
Thank you for the reminder Clancy, and I agree that getting a handle on generative language models and how we want to respond to them should be a primary concern. With that in mind, I'd like to invite everyone to attend our 2023 4Cs IP Standing Group meeting on Wednesday 15th, 2-5:30pm in room 4D. Cs has given us a generous three and a half hours for our meeting, but it is perfectly fine if we finish early.
A working agenda
* Attendance and introductions
* Past & Tabled business, 2020-2022
* Student Rights to IP statement – interest, strategy, planning, and timeline
* New business, 2023-2024
* Bylaws and policies
* Member proposals
* Discussion of ChatGPT and generative language models, including:
* What can generative language models do? Can't do?
* What responses have we seen in higher ed spaces? What are the assumptions and ideologies built into those assumptions and what do they say about what we value in writing?
* What principles and values do we want to see drive teacher/admin responses to generative language models?
* What issues of ownership and intellectual property do we foresee with this new writing technology (especially given that ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, which contrary to its name does not offer open source code and considers its models proprietary)?
* Open Q: do we want to organize a written response as a standing group? Do we have consensus as to what it might say?
* IP Annual – Goals and planning for 2023
* Standing Group proposal
* Topic selection and planning
* Designation of responsible parties
* Election – Chairs for 2023/2024
If folks have items they'd like to add, or if you'd like to see or run one of our traditional roundables, let me know.
On Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 11:01:14 AM UTC-5 devossda wrote:
Clancy, all:
I have a pressing medical issue and won't be able to attend CCCCs next week.
If there's anything I can prep, do, or share, please let me know.
I think your idea of drafting a statement/resolution about ChatGPT is genius and necessary.
I've asked faculty and admin in our department at MSU to head to CCCCs thinking about and asking about and gathering info on different approaches and discussions related to AI writing.
I'm hoping we can do some work to get ahead of our institution to establish an approach that is humane, attentive, and writing-focused (rather than policing-based or punitive or short-sighted in terms of the tech). I also think that WRITING PROGRAMS and writing departments should be advocates in helping our institutions understand and approach AI writing!
Anyway, if I can help, please let me know. I'm also happy to share out what we come up with here at MSU.
Chair and William J. Beal Distinguished Professor
Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
College of Arts and Letters
Michigan State University
434 Farm Lane #235
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
517/355-2400<tel:(517)%20355-2400>; 517/353-5250<tel:(517)%20353-5250> (fax)
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com<mailto:clancy....@gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 7:42 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>>; Thomas Pickering <tp...@mit.edu<mailto:tp...@mit.edu>>
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi everyone,
We meet in a week; do we have an agenda? Maybe we could draft a resolution about ChatGPT and how we can approach it as teachers? I'm concerned that we're kind of asleep at the wheel here.
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 12:05 PM Jeff Galin <jeffre...@gmail.com<mailto:jeffre...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I have not been doing research in IP lately and am not up on new filings. If you need someone to cover new legal developments, I can probably help out. If you have someone to cover, I may bow out. I will likely attend the meeting either way.
On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 8:08 PM Karen Lunsford <klun...@writing.ucsb.edu<mailto:klun...@writing.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Hi Thomas, I'm planning to attend the WRAB conference next year, so I will not be available as a roundtable leader for CCCC. Thanks! Karen Lunsford
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 9:46 AM tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com> <tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
The 4C's deadline approaches (June 7th) and we are on the lookout for members interested in leading discussion for our usual business meeting roundtables. Listed below are the roundtable leaders for last year's proposal, along with the roundtables from last year. Thanks to Kim for saving and sharing this language.
If you were listed as a roundtable leader last year, would you please let me know if you are interested in leading again for our 2023 meeting? Alternatively, if you were not listed for last year, but want to lead a roundtable, also let me know! It would be great to see a combination of familiar and new faces for what appears to be a return to in-person 4Cs. Feel free to respond here or email me at tp...@mit.edu<mailto:tp...@mit.edu>.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-propert...@googlegroups.com>.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/5f262a5b-628f-4d81-a64f-6c83c2858548n%40googlegroups.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/groups.google.com/d/msgid/intellectual-property-caucus/5f262a5b-628f-4d81-a64f-6c83c2858548n*40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer__;JQ!!HXCxUKc!z6H5b-0IBX0Y2KC9DMp0oo4kXs-RpB9A9v-L3G6kXXXXtxhIdi687l_KJKUccz7jlyA3lqWWzt79UhvIjDrWl8SZ$>.
Karen Lunsford, PhD
Associate Professor of Writing
Director, PhD Emphasis in Writing Studies
Writing Program, 3432 South Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara 93106-3010
Pronouns: she, her, hers
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Jeffrey R. Galin
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"Gainer, Kim" <kga...@RADFORD.EDU>: Feb 10 05:04PM
I will be there.
Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Gainer, Kim <kga...@RADFORD.EDU>
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 12:00:36 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
NOTICE: This email originated externally. It is not from a Radford University account. Use caution responding, opening attachments, or clicking links.
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On Feb 10, 2023, at 11:49 AM, Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com> wrote:
NOTICE: This email originated externally. It is not from a Radford University account. Use caution responding, opening attachments, or clicking links.
Kyle, it may just be you, me, and Thomas in person! Who else IS going to be at the conference?
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 10:44 AM 'Stedman, Kyle D' via Intellectual Property Caucus <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> wrote:
I’ll be there! Excited about this plan!
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Jim Purdy
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 3:05 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: pur...@duq.edu<mailto:pur...@duq.edu>
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi, all,
I will also not be at CCCC this year (good luck with your medical procedure, Danielle!) but am happy to contribute to a draft resolution on Chat GPT and similar AI. I agree this is a topic ripe for our intervention.
If it helps at all, I was interviewed for a locale publication about it, which you're welcome to draw on (or not) as is helpful: https://www.publicsource.org/chatgpt-app-ai-pittsburgh-university-plagirism-teaching-point-park/
Be well,
* Attendance and introductions
* Past & Tabled business, 2020-2022
* Student Rights to IP statement – interest, strategy, planning, and timeline
* New business, 2023-2024
* Bylaws and policies
* Member proposals
* Discussion of ChatGPT and generative language models, including:
* What can generative language models do? Can't do?
* What responses have we seen in higher ed spaces? What are the assumptions and ideologies built into those assumptions and what do they say about what we value in writing?
* What principles and values do we want to see drive teacher/admin responses to generative language models?
* What issues of ownership and intellectual property do we foresee with this new writing technology (especially given that ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, which contrary to its name does not offer open source code and considers its models proprietary)?
* Open Q: do we want to organize a written response as a standing group? Do we have consensus as to what it might say?
* IP Annual – Goals and planning for 2023
* Standing Group proposal
* Topic selection and planning
* Designation of responsible parties
* Election – Chairs for 2023/2024
If folks have items they'd like to add, or if you'd like to see or run one of our traditional roundables, let me know.
On Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 11:01:14 AM UTC-5 devossda wrote:
Clancy, all:
I have a pressing medical issue and won't be able to attend CCCCs next week.
If there's anything I can prep, do, or share, please let me know.
I think your idea of drafting a statement/resolution about ChatGPT is genius and necessary.
I've asked faculty and admin in our department at MSU to head to CCCCs thinking about and asking about and gathering info on different approaches and discussions related to AI writing.
I'm hoping we can do some work to get ahead of our institution to establish an approach that is humane, attentive, and writing-focused (rather than policing-based or punitive or short-sighted in terms of the tech). I also think that WRITING PROGRAMS and writing departments should be advocates in helping our institutions understand and approach AI writing!
Anyway, if I can help, please let me know. I'm also happy to share out what we come up with here at MSU.
Chair and William J. Beal Distinguished Professor
Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
College of Arts and Letters
Michigan State University
434 Farm Lane #235
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
517/355-2400<tel:(517)%20355-2400>; 517/353-5250<tel:(517)%20353-5250> (fax)
From: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com<mailto:clancy....@gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 7:42 PM
To: intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com> <intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com<mailto:intellectual-p...@googlegroups.com>>; Thomas Pickering <tp...@mit.edu<mailto:tp...@mit.edu>>
Subject: Re: 2023 CCCCs Business Meeting & Roundtables
Hi everyone,
We meet in a week; do we have an agenda? Maybe we could draft a resolution about ChatGPT and how we can approach it as teachers? I'm concerned that we're kind of asleep at the wheel here.
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 12:05 PM Jeff Galin <jeffre...@gmail.com<mailto:jeffre...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I have not been doing research in IP lately and am not up on new filings. If you need someone to cover new legal developments, I can probably help out. If you have someone to cover, I may bow out. I will likely attend the meeting either way.
On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 8:08 PM Karen Lunsford <klun...@writing.ucsb.edu<mailto:klun...@writing.ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Hi Thomas, I'm planning to attend the WRAB conference next year, so I will not be available as a roundtable leader for CCCC. Thanks! Karen Lunsford
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 9:46 AM tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com> <tjohnpi...@gmail.com<mailto:tjohnpi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
The 4C's deadline approaches (June 7th) and we are on the lookout for members interested in leading discussion for our usual business meeting roundtables. Listed below are the roundtable leaders for last year's proposal, along with the roundtables from last year. Thanks to Kim for saving and sharing this language.
If you were listed as a roundtable leader last year, would you please let me know if you are interested in leading again for our 2023 meeting? Alternatively, if you were not listed for last year, but want to lead a roundtable, also let me know! It would be great to see a combination of familiar and new faces for what appears to be a return to in-person 4Cs. Feel free to respond here or email me at tp...@mit.edu<mailto:tp...@mit.edu>.
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Karen Lunsford, PhD
Associate Professor of Writing
Director, PhD Emphasis in Writing Studies
Writing Program, 3432 South Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara 93106-3010
Pronouns: she, her, hers
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Clancy Ratliff <clancy....@gmail.com>: Feb 10 12:00PM -0600
All these emails they're pushing out makes me think attendance is going to
be really low. "Don't forget to register!" "There's still time to
register!" etc.
Clancy Ratliff, Ph.D.
Assistant Department Head
Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
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