V1.2 Ultimate Graphics "Sherry" Alpha Release Dev Preview

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Aug 1, 2010, 2:17:27 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
well, as much as u all know, this is by far the longest and the
hardest project that i ever work on, and a lot of users asked me when
will a beta or test driver come out? lol..as much as i want this
project to be perfect as it can be, i have to admit, i have mess up
some of my previous project betas..lol..and here it is, V1.2 alpha
version of the "V" series driver is available to download for
developers, testing team, or other users who willing to test this
driver. Feedbacks and reports are most welcome.

Please note that this IS NOT a finished product. any bugs or problem
can be reported here, feedbacks can greatly give me the ability to
narrowing the source of the problem and making the final development a
lot faster ^^

test results : not much

- Halo specular fixed : Specular doesn't produced glitches anymore,
performance degrades are minimal or none, assuming the same for other
game which use specular rendering (lighting and etc)
- Warcraft III engine are improving with playing at 30+ fps at
constant, assuming WoW and other Blizzard engine resulting the same.
- most games tested giving out full graphics quality (Depth of Field,
Motion Blur, and other eye candy without limitation) but sacrificing
performance according to game setting : game assume that GMA 950 as a
dedicated/discrete Graphics card and not an IGP.
- extra boost with MSI-X enabled (compatible with MSI-X compatible
MotherBoard) and IncreaseFixedSegment (IFS) as combo to provide extra
performance : (note that if ur MB does not support MSI-X, the driver
will automatically use standard improved MSI interface.

the link, V1.2 Alpha 1 :



Aug 1, 2010, 2:39:15 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
It's just a question, but are you still going to implement the kernel
mode option?


Aug 1, 2010, 4:12:23 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

Thank you for releasing an alpha version to test :)

However, could you please update your readme files?
They still state:


And I'm wondering, whether the tricks you applied could be of any help
for X3100 (or i965) users...


Aug 1, 2010, 5:39:37 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Great news, no doubt :)
About MSI-X, if I'm not mistaken, as long as the computer has support
for PCIe, then the motherboard will have native support for MSI-X, and
even the latest iteration of PCI (3.0) will support it.
I'm still confused about IncreaseFixedSegment, as I thought it slowed
things down on the first V1.1 release, or did I get it wrong at that


Aug 1, 2010, 6:18:37 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Btw, how come you have a CP? I thought you were making it from MS
stock drivers

THEfog .

Aug 1, 2010, 6:32:16 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com

The Driver is reconstructed, not the supporting software.


On 02/08/2010 8:18 AM, "tribaljet" <roll...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Btw, how come you have a CP? I thought you were making it from MS
stock drivers

On Aug 1, 10:39 pm, tribaljet <roller...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Great news, no doubt :)

> About MSI-...


Aug 1, 2010, 9:27:02 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
uhm... what is UseXPModel? @_@

I just found the line when I was comparing the INF >_<


Aug 1, 2010, 9:46:26 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Its seems like I can play id software games (Doom 3 and Quake 4)
smoother, like 5-10 fps more with the v1.2 Alpha 1 Beta :D


Aug 1, 2010, 9:51:14 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I have a question?

What is sherry drivers??

i had no idea about this bro!! can anyone explain the old beast a
lilttle about it pls :)?

what is V1.2 and waht is Sherry drivers?

help pls im a noob in this things i want to make modded drivers one
day and join you guys in the quest of taking down Intel gay corp


Aug 1, 2010, 9:55:54 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
hmm, i still reconsider that, i may be still using user mode, this is for windows 7 and vista only driver, and making a kernel mode driver would resulting me making XP drivers then..and it's a lot of work. but more will explain below.

lol, i thought i already updated the read me files, well, u can skip the read me, there's nothing that i planned to write about it any way, i was juz soo sleepy after finishing the alpha. so it's juz plain installer, some driver codes still using intels.....

yes, MSI-X is by far supported by all motherboard, but juz to be clear, i stated that if MSI-X not supported, it will automatically use MSI instead.. lol, funny u mentioned that every PCI-e device supported it while before the V1.1 was released, intel GMA 950 has no support for that, juz plain interface...IncreasedFixedSegment is by far the first codes that i worked on when i was developing the V1.1, but i got it screwed..and yes, the mistakes that i've done when V1.1 beta causing the codes to be ignored coz of the slow down hat it made..after V1.1E, i restarted the codes to match MSI-X, and alas, the MSI-X and ICF is a perfect match..
also this is an alpha, it has CP, but im not sure it is working or not...and because it is alpha, it's not a full driver from scratch, it has some intel files (very sorry for this, i know it's bad news), some of self written codes by me, and some of updated files from Intel HD graphics, and more self made codes by me (i should take a break a little, those lines give me migrane ^^)

as i was saying above, i rather not making a kernel mode driver,instead it is a user mode driver with compatibility of XP games...that's the sole purpose of the UseXPModel code.....making games that work like a charm in XP to play almost the same if not 1:1 ratio in windows 7...the codes still in testing level that is..

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Kiki <kiki....@gmail.com> wrote:
uhm... what is UseXPModel? @_@

I just found the line when I was comparing the INF >_<


Acer Aspire
Core Duo T2300E @ 1.67GHz
Intel GMA 950 IGP
Intel 945 Chipset
1GB RAM (512MB*2) Dual Channel DDR2
80GB standard PATA HDD
Win7 Ultimate 32bit / Ubuntu 10.04


Aug 1, 2010, 9:56:44 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

5 - 10 FPS more??? in OPEN GL GAMES... someone report a DIRECTX game

do you know what it means?

at this point that we have reached getting 1 FPS more is an
outstanding work

those who have modded drivers for 9xxSSf know what it takes to improve
the performance, but the hardest part is to make it better than the
lastest MDs.


Aug 1, 2010, 9:58:43 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
lol bro, calm down, u can download the pdf below to have a look on it..

http://www.mediafire.com/file/2mjj3jj0q1z/V1.2 MD  The most stable release yet out performs the old V1.1 in every way (Codename Shery).pdf



Aug 1, 2010, 10:06:15 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Wow MAD...
How long were you gone? lol
first md's were made for it of course :D)

On Aug 1, 6:58 pm, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> lol bro, calm down, u can download the pdf below to have a look on it..
> http://www.mediafire.com/file/2mjj3jj0q1z/V1.2MD  The most stable release


Aug 1, 2010, 10:29:46 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Haahahaha since Intel gave a price for my head and the bountyhunters
started chasing me in January after being sued i came like 4 times to
check everything, a didnt want to come back until everything was

Hip hip hoorray for my brother Angelic Tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope
this encourages to the other modders to keep it up


Aug 1, 2010, 10:32:33 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Even though kernel mode might give a few more fps, I would sacrifice
them for the sake of system stability, since user mode drivers would
just restart the driver without crashing the system. For a gaming
machine it wouldn't be that much of a hassle, but for mission critical
machines, bsod's aren't exactly in the order of the day.

About MSI-X support, I'm just saying that it was supported as long as
the hardware requirements were fulfilled, which also proves that the
original gma 950 drivers weren't coded with any future proofing in

I did like to know you used updated files from intel hd, specially
when they're compatible with our older hardware. I did find it strange
the original intel CP was there, but you did make your point about it.

Have you talked with Haze about the CP he's making? Perhaps it could
be integrated in V1.2, or do you already have any CP plans?


Aug 1, 2010, 10:33:56 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Why don't everyone in the Bravo Team/Commando Team work together and
make a super driver, capable of wiping Intel off the face of the
Earth. :)


Aug 1, 2010, 10:34:54 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

Hey Bro i like that you gave it the bame of ALPHA to continue with the
order as MDs named ALPHA for the 945


Aug 1, 2010, 10:42:55 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
lol, sorry, it's my bad, it's juz an alpha developers preview release, then come betas, then comes the final version ^^

btw, is there any benchmark tested yet?

yeah, i do have plans on using Haze's CP project as default, but that's if he willing to give permission to use it..also the CP in the driver doesnt work for me, but that's kinda not important rite now as again it's an unfinished driver, about 50% of the features available rite now. and most of the are performance codes, the next phase of the development is to perfected what's left out such as custom / smart installer, Haze's new CP implementations, and hardware video acceleration (improved for HD playback) 

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:34 AM, MAD_BEAST <jose...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hey Bro i like that you gave it the bame of ALPHA to continue with the
order as MDs named ALPHA for the 945


Aug 1, 2010, 11:04:13 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Btw, what did you think of the intel hd driver package? Was it very
different than 950/x3100 package?

On Aug 2, 3:42 am, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> lol, sorry, it's my bad, it's juz an alpha developers preview release, then
> come betas, then comes the final version ^^
> btw, is there any benchmark tested yet?
> @tribaljet
> yeah, i do have plans on using Haze's CP project as default, but that's if
> he willing to give permission to use it..also the CP in the driver doesnt
> work for me, but that's kinda not important rite now as again it's an
> unfinished driver, about 50% of the features available rite now. and most of
> the are performance codes, the next phase of the development is to perfected
> what's left out such as custom / smart installer, Haze's new
> CP implementations, and hardware video acceleration (improved for HD
> playback)


Aug 1, 2010, 11:14:41 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
it is very different from the others, which kinda interest me ^^
i never downloeded the package before so i still need to make sure what every file do and what it effect..im hoping that the HD package will help with the shader process on the 950..


Aug 1, 2010, 11:29:10 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I just started a 3d Graphics benchmark using performancetest, but
during one of the tests, it said on the screen "PS 2 and VS 2 are not
I know gma 950 supports shader model 2 in hardware but I don't know
why ill say this.....


Aug 1, 2010, 11:31:12 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
Well, hardware wise, the 950GMA doesn't support shader model 2.0 (this
is if the true definition of shader mode 2.0 means that the card
supports pixel and vertex shaders 2.0, the 950GMA only supports PS2.0

Acer TravelMate 2480
GFX: GMA950   CPU: Intel Celeron M 420 @ 1.6Ghz   RAM: 2GB DDR2 333Mhz
  HDD: Samsung 120GB 5400RPM SATA


Aug 1, 2010, 11:33:14 PM8/1/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
oh it doesn't? lol
Well it should at least say vertex shaders 2.0 are not supported, not
both ps and vs


Aug 1, 2010, 11:49:01 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
hmm, during my testing, i find that it's interesting that GPUz mentioned that GMA 950 running at 400MHz, anyone can confirm this with the V1.2?


Aug 1, 2010, 11:51:51 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
I can confirm but it did this on any driver I believe.


Aug 1, 2010, 11:56:46 PM8/1/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
well, ive tested some of the functions with D3DRightMark utility and resulting i can manage to run Pure Hardware Vertex, with an acceptable fps...
but it seems i have found the first bug of this release, lol...to enable pure SM2.0 support, u need to addgame reg most of the benchmark tool...like add ~D3DRightMark.exe to the registry...but at least Pure SM2.0 is supported finally...i'll get back to work on the driver after college ^^


Aug 2, 2010, 1:58:52 AM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Can anyone post their 3d graphics score in performancetest using the
1.2 driver?
I get 144.2......

On Aug 1, 8:56 pm, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> well, ive tested some of the functions with D3DRightMark utility and
> resulting i can manage to run Pure Hardware Vertex, with an acceptable
> fps...
> but it seems i have found the first bug of this release, lol...to enable
> pure SM2.0 support, u need to addgame reg most of the benchmark tool...like
> add ~D3DRightMark.exe to the registry...but at least Pure SM2.0 is supported
> finally...i'll get back to work on the driver after college ^^
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Espionage724 <espionage...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > I can confirm but it did this on any driver I believe.
> > On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 11:49 PM, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > hmm, during my testing, i find that it's interesting that GPUz mentioned
> > > that GMA 950 running at 400MHz, anyone can confirm this with the V1.2?
> > > On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:33 AM, uncleferassi <tom.eliz...@gmail.com>


Aug 2, 2010, 8:37:09 AM8/2/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
is the test using addgame reg tweak?


Aug 2, 2010, 9:09:12 AM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
how to do performance test ??


Aug 2, 2010, 11:37:21 AM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Yea i used the addgame reg on pt.exe and pt1.exe


Aug 2, 2010, 1:16:44 PM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
will there be a x64 version?


Aug 2, 2010, 1:51:35 PM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

PerformanceTest is a program.

On Aug 2, 10:16 am, lolattheotherguy <lolattheother...@gmail.com>


Aug 2, 2010, 2:58:44 PM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

yes you are right i always wanted to do that... to be able to work
with the BRAVO TEAM, thats why it was dived by 2 development team and
support team... but development team never worked... as a team.
but the support team worked very very well!!!


Aug 2, 2010, 3:06:42 PM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
But it seems like only 1 person develops a driver all by himself, with
no help, I want people to work together :)


Aug 2, 2010, 2:56:31 PM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
AngelicTears I Tried modding igdlh.inf to install Win7Vista15177 But
Failed After Restart, It Makes The System unstable and crashes the
system, Its interface totally different from its earlier versions As
Its Built For Board Supporting Above sm3.0 Only. Have To Recode Entire
Interface to make it working for sm2.0 model.
If U Recode it then our Gfx card might get sm3.0 on 950 cards.(I dont
know to code properly)


Aug 2, 2010, 8:43:36 PM8/2/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
did anyone benchmark with performancetest yet?


Aug 2, 2010, 10:26:54 PM8/2/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
@MAD_BEAST, uncleferassi
yeah, i was very excited when the UMD project were planned juz before the law suit came out. most of the development team are not very active rite now, ive been waiting for MAD_BEAST to planned another co-work between us, i would be glad to help ^^
and saying that my drivers work is entirely my work is not correct either...

V1.0 - the first driver for windows 7, development in cooperation of 3 person, me, MAD_BEAST, and KinGPin.
V1.1 - well, this driver is entirely my work, but every tested it when it still in beta, which means that everybody helping me make it perfect ^^
V1.1E - again entirely my work, BUT tribaljet who helps me fix the bug, which means that it's a project of 2, me and tribaljet.

V1.2 - this my friend i have stated that will be my special project (maybe my last V series driver) and the name V1.2 is not fixed, it may be the V2 driver i said before long ago, but if u guys still remember, i said that if i cant make a GMA 950 driver play CoD4, then the driver would not be named V2 (said that last year)...so for this project, i have to do it alone, the project name it self is special to me. again i still need the every soldiers here to test it ^^

yes, i have tried that actually. that package is for Intel HD graphics (bundled with i3 and i5 chipsets) and Intel 4 series graphics (4500MHD, x4500HD, x4500M, etc), and the driver doesnt only support SM3.0, it does actually support up to SM4.0 / DX10...in theory, SM3.0 can be implemented in the GMA 950, BUT in software mode..SM 4.0 cant because the instruction is in hard coded mode which means SM4 is impossible for GMA 950, while theoretically SM3.0 can work on GMA 950, it does slows down the rendering process, as wa all know 950 have hardware PS2.0 but software VS2.0, VS is ok if process under software mode which all drivers are good at with addgame reg tweak. PS on the otherhand making it impossible or slow to process in software mode, which GMA is good as it does PS 2.0, so to run SM3.0 it would be the same as running a game with swiftshader, so SM3.0 on GMA 950 is impossible at the moment. 

@ uncleferassi
i have run a baseline test with  no software vertex / pure hardware vertex mode (addgame reg) it says no PS2 and VS2 supported.
results : 101.4 for 3D test

with addgame reg / pure SM2.0 mode (hw vp, HAL)
results : 2D 242.1 / 3D 114.0..

lol, my CPU si bottlenecking my system ^^


Aug 3, 2010, 12:01:42 AM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
If you can make the v1.2 play Cod4 and MW2, OMFG!!!!!!!
I'll send you money by paypal..... :D

I'mma test some games, comparing the 1.1e and the 1.2


Aug 3, 2010, 12:10:17 AM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
can I use this driver with my GMA 3100(not X)?


Aug 3, 2010, 12:40:53 AM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
But does it still say ps 2 and vs 2 are not supported when you put the
addgame reg (software)


Aug 3, 2010, 1:55:12 AM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Nice work, man. I just installed them, and I am going to give
Battlefield 2 a try.

On Aug 1, 1:17 pm, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:


Aug 3, 2010, 3:20:30 AM8/3/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
some benchmarking tool may not see the features as it's a software mod, not hardware wise, some benchmarking tool such as performancetest do check hardware hard coded imprinted on the hardware, for example, dxdiag do see GMA 950 as dac type rather than 9xxssf drivers in the driver..so yeah, it may be saying not supported, but it's still functioning well in games..results may vary according to benchmarking tool..so far, 3Dmark is the most reliable tool for benchmarking...

@everyone else
again, thanks for all of ur support up until now, without u guys, i dont be what i am today. it's my promise to give the best to u guys as my effort to pay back all the goodness that this group gave me when i am nobody last year.

it is please to tell u guys that phase 3 of the development is started and im hoping for more feedback on actual gameplay of this V1.2 early release. any bug or problem will taken into account on next beta release soon ..

happy testing and gaming ^^



Aug 3, 2010, 3:23:51 AM8/3/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
im not sure if it will work as i do not natively support 3100 chipsets...but some reports not long ago saying that the V1.1 worked on 3100 chipsets, u will have to try it ur self by making manual install :

device manager > GMA 3100 (or similar under the graphics tree) > update driver > manually choose driver > have disk > point out where is the V1.2 inf ( name ighldh.inf in the graphics folder of the driver) and install "V1.2 Ultimate Graphics Sherry" and restart.


Aug 3, 2010, 3:38:03 AM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

Are you planning on developing/releasing a x64 build too?


Aug 3, 2010, 4:07:04 AM8/3/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
im planning to, but im gonna finish the 32-bit project first, there's too much to work out even on 32-bit, im expecting there a lot more with 64-bit drivers..eventually i will finished both 32 and 64 bit drivers so nothing to worry about ^^
after the 32 bit finish and done, stable, 64-bit will pretty much release in a month after the 32bit release...that's my base time line and schedule..well, according to V1.1 schedule that is..


Aug 3, 2010, 3:22:55 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Whenever I test 2D graphics in PerformanceTest, my score is 5199.0 lol
Can anyone verify this for me plz?

On Aug 3, 1:07 am, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @FrozenLord
> im planning to, but im gonna finish the 32-bit project first, there's too
> much to work out even on 32-bit, im expecting there a lot more with 64-bit
> drivers..eventually i will finished both 32 and 64 bit drivers so nothing to
> worry about ^^
> after the 32 bit finish and done, stable, 64-bit will pretty much release in
> a month after the 32bit release...that's my base time line and
> schedule..well, according to V1.1 schedule that is..
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 3:38 PM, FrozenLord <1the3man5who7c...@googlemail.com


Aug 3, 2010, 3:25:25 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
New 3D graphics is 120.7 btw


Aug 3, 2010, 3:46:16 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
And why is my rating lower than some ppl that have the same computer
and specs as me but with NO modded drivers?


Aug 3, 2010, 4:02:35 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
My performance dropped a LOT in Duke Nukem. My FPS used to never drop
below 60 with the HD Texture Pack, and now the maximum I get with this
driver is 16. D:

On Aug 1, 1:17 pm, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:

THEfog .

Aug 3, 2010, 5:12:32 PM8/3/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com

Not all games work properly with every driver, this is a rule across the board whether it be Nvidia, ATI or intel there will always be a game which underperforms for little or no reason, this is why hardware profiles in XP was so usefull, all I can recommend is tinker around with the config for the game, if this issues is with other games as well try reinstalling the driver. If it continues to act bizzarly than revert to a earlier driver that worked and angelic may fix your issue in his next release.

You could also try addgame.reg to see if that makes any difference and I don't know much about duke nukem 3d but make sure it isn't rendering in opengl.




Aug 3, 2010, 8:32:59 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I've just downloaded the V1.2 Alpha and installed it, it lagged
because I own a 950GSE... so I replaced the inf file with the one
tribaljet provided at the v1.1e post and it worked after that.. About
performance I can only tell something about pes 2010 because that's
actually the only game I (want to) play atm (maybe games like cod4 in
the future :P) but the performance increased over the v1.1e, I haven't
measured FPS but the difference was obvious... I also liked the 9xx
theme over the Intel one during install etc!

Well now I have some questions, Is the final version netbook
compatible or do we have to replace the INF file and does this
replacement effect the performance of the driver over the performance
of the orginal one?

Btw good work Angelic!


Aug 3, 2010, 9:41:17 PM8/3/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
lol, like i said, performancetest isnt so reliable..but the 2D scores maybe because of ur CPU which is kinda good....also i would not believe any benchmarking score which provide simple test like windows WEI for graphics, other stats like HDD, processor is reliable, but graphics are really dependent on everyday usage, IMO that is..

im gonna look into this bug, and see what i can fix about it, is it the only games that slows down all all games in ur system slows down?
btw, thanks for supporting the driver ^^ ur feedback is very useful...

now im confuse, like MSI WIND said, it still lags...but with the fixed inf, it does work showing the self written codes work perfectly on most system, and im guessing that the whole inf is buggy....hmm...i may reconsider remaking the inf all over again to pin point all the bugs with GME and GSE drivers, also openGL support for older games (although CS1.6 OpenGL works fine with me)

again thank u for the feed backs ..it is very useful, and thank u for everyone who supported this project..new release coming soon after most of the bugs have been fix.



Aug 3, 2010, 10:14:34 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Pls as an advice DO NOT EXPERIMENT with the MODDED DRIVERS.

when i refer to EXPERIMENT i mean dont mix drivers and cores, infs,
and files.

it may breakdonw your system stability.

when a modder takes weeks and mothns working on a MD for you is
because he is trying to make it better for the system. its easy to
increase 5 FPS but making it stable is the hardest part, because we
have to work on specific codes and test a million times over and over,
install, resintall, restar, test, unisntall, restart, install,
test.... just to make sure its a master piece...

have you notice that every new driver is better and batter?

i havent tested any graphical calculations but i know that is more
stable than ALPHA series, and i believe that is important to
acknowledge when someone is making something better than you because
it encourages the modders to bring a better future to 9xx Soldiers
sans frontiers...

so keep it up brothers, great job for my brother Angelic and good job
to all of you for being part of the REVOLUTION


Aug 3, 2010, 11:28:45 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
It's the only one I have had problems with so far. It does raise FPS
on Portal and ZSNES, though. Portal runs on low shadows, High Models,
High Textures, High Shader, 800x600 at about 20FPS. And ZSNES always
runs smoothly, even with the HQX4 filter. I'm going to re-install TF2
and try it out, and System Shock 2 as well.

And, by Shader 2, do you mean that we no longer have to use
Swiftshader to emulate it?


Aug 3, 2010, 11:39:34 PM8/3/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I tested 3dmark 06 and I got a score of 236 lol
Its maybe because the 3dmark 06 demo doesn't let me change any of the
video settings and it was set to 1280x768 lol

On Aug 3, 8:28 pm, IntelgratedShiznit <tbd_iateapic...@hotmail.com>


Aug 4, 2010, 12:00:16 AM8/4/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
well for the shader 2 question, it depends on the game or shader requirement it self...some games required SM2.0 a or b..which GMA 950 cant support hardware wise...while any SM2.0 game should work though...most games required VS2.0 should work, and most games that requires PS2.0 should have performance improvements..



Aug 4, 2010, 12:14:27 AM8/4/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
thanks for ur support bro ^^

well, im not saying that users cant experiment with it, as it's still early development preview, not a final product...
and also, all my V series drivers (V1.0, V1.1, V1.1E and v1.2 , also V2.0 [early stage dev]) are flexible and can work with each other, if users want to use V1.1E inf to V1.2 by all means go on, but some of the features may be disabled, for example, 

!!!~~~  if users put V1.1E inf to V1.2, some features like CPU load balancing and IncreasedFixedSegment are disabled ~~~ !!!

lol @ the !!

but users get my point, it's free to experiment but not recommended as MAD_BEAST said..^^ 
although i do encourage ppl to experiment with this V1.2 dev preview as it gives me the idea on what got wrong on some bugs, as MSI WIND does above..

but i do not encourage experiments on certain drivers such as V1.0 and V1.1 (although i doubt anyone still uses V1.0 anymore) coz it's already perfected final products...
V1.1 betas (if there's atill any mirrors), V1.1E and v1.2 beta are welcome to be hack..as long as users give me the results ^^

juz dont make a new driver release with modding my drivers and say like "ive made an awesome driver, better that AT V series drivers! Im the best modders in town!"
that my friends has happened to me b4 on my past projects (not MD) and it's still irritates me...lol

as long as the driver hacks are for the good of ppl here, i'll be please, and happy..juz put copyright (unofficial LOL) by AngelicTears if can ^^
as i always mentioned awesome ppl who makes my project success like MAD_BEAST (V1.0), KinGPin (V1.0), tribaljet (V1.1E, V1.2), KiKi (V1.2), Espionage, DanielPK (awesome tester and support all the way) and others..


Aug 4, 2010, 1:39:53 AM8/4/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
No broooo when i was saying about users making experiments is becuase
along the time ive seen users mixing things between our MDs, and im
with you and im telling them to leave MDs just like they see em,
because thats why you and i take the time to work on it, and some kids
screw em in 1 minute and later come to blame us for SYSTEM CRASHING,
some think this is easy as switching INF between MDs

THEfog .

Aug 4, 2010, 2:01:54 AM8/4/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com

Its similar to the old saying "Many a man may blame his tools but in reality the user is at fault".



Aug 4, 2010, 5:28:14 AM8/4/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
(actually, I haven't tried the dev)

uhm... well, I could care less with the other unused sections, but

[i9xxxxxx.GeneralConfigData] => in short, any sections that linked
with GeneralConfigData

is the driver need those sections?
- if yes, is it still okay to not have
and [i9xxGX1.GeneralConfigData]?

- if no, then I'll... ask my eyes to ignored them later


Aug 4, 2010, 10:36:42 AM8/4/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
can any1 give me the correct drivers for XP gma 950
DI 27A2.. the ones on here doesnt work for me..


Aug 4, 2010, 10:37:36 AM8/4/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
when i said "on here" i didnt meant this post i mean the driver
archives xd..


Aug 4, 2010, 3:10:43 PM8/4/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers

Use the IEGD method provided by ESPIONAGE, or try the old school MDs
which are V1.2 from kinGPin


Aug 5, 2010, 6:21:41 PM8/5/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Hey guys..
Great Job AngelicTears I cant wait to test this out :D
Sorry I've been away i was a bit busy..


Aug 6, 2010, 8:54:35 AM8/6/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I tested some games with this driver.

Games with improved performance over the earlier modded drivers:
Team Fortress 2
Silent Hill 2

Games with worse performance than the earlier modded drivers:
Duke Nukem 3D
Resident Evil 4

Games that did not even run:
Bioshock (With Shadershock, it ran on the old drivers)
Battlefield 2 (Ran with old drivers)

On Aug 1, 11:17 am, AngelicTears <ayiea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> well, as much as u all know, this is by far the longest and the
> hardest project that i ever work on, and a lot of users asked me when
> will a beta or test driver come out? lol..as much as i want this
> project to be perfect as it can be, i have to admit, i have mess up
> some of my previous project betas..lol..and here it is, V1.2 alpha
> version of the "V" series driver is available to download for
> developers, testing team, or other users who willing to test this
> driver. Feedbacks and reports are most welcome.
> Please note that this IS NOT a finished product. any bugs or problem
> can be reported here, feedbacks can greatly give me the ability to
> narrowing the source of the problem and making the final development a
> lot faster ^^
> test results : not much
> - Halo specular fixed : Specular doesn't produced glitches anymore,
> performance degrades are minimal or none, assuming the same for other
> game which use specular rendering (lighting and etc)
> - Warcraft III engine are improving with playing at 30+ fps at
> constant, assuming WoW and other Blizzard engine resulting the same.
> - most games tested giving out full graphics quality (Depth of Field,
> Motion Blur, and other eye candy without limitation) but sacrificing
> performance according to game setting : game assume that GMA 950 as a
> dedicated/discrete Graphics card and not an IGP.
> - extra boost with MSI-X enabled (compatible with MSI-X compatible
> MotherBoard) and IncreaseFixedSegment (IFS) as combo to provide extra
> performance : (note that if ur MB does not support MSI-X, the driver
> will automatically use standard improved MSI interface.
> the link, V1.2 Alpha 1 :
> http://www.mediafire.com/file/44lgrriyc3tfczs/V1.2_Sherry_Alpha1_Dev.7z


Aug 6, 2010, 11:53:52 AM8/6/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
i already used all drivers.. seems im the only one who drivers doesnt
work for me... IEGD didnt worked..


Aug 6, 2010, 1:58:10 PM8/6/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Plz tell me FPS


Aug 6, 2010, 8:08:26 PM8/6/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Like 7FPS on 320x240. It was by no means playable. Maybe if you have
like 2GB memory, and a Dual-Core you could play. I tried it with a
Celeron M 1.8ghz and 512mb RAM.


Aug 7, 2010, 6:53:10 AM8/7/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Here Is My PerformanceTest 7.0 Result.


Is It good???????


Aug 7, 2010, 6:34:43 AM8/7/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
3D GRAPHICS MARK === 136.5/200
GRAPHICS 3D SIMPLE === 188.8/200
GRAPHICS 3D MEDIUM === 54.1/60


Aug 7, 2010, 9:40:33 AM8/7/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Post your computer specs, as not knowing what your computer is has no
use for comparison purposes.


Aug 7, 2010, 10:52:39 AM8/7/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
System Summary
Windows 7 (32-bit)
Intel Core2 Duo E4500 @ 2.20GHz
2037 MB RAM
GMA 950 Ultimate Graphics V1.2 Sherry

System Information
System Name: PC
Operating System: Windows 7 (32-bit)
Motherboard Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Motherboard Model: D945GCNL
Motherboard Version: AAD97184-105
BIOS Manufacturer: Intel Corp.
BIOS Version: NL94510J.86A.0036.2009.1231.1407
BIOS Release Date: 12/31/2009

CPU Information
Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
Type: Intel Core2 Duo E4500 @ 2.20GHz
Number of CPU's: 1
Cores per CPU: 2
Hyperthreading: Not capable
Measured Speed: 2197.2 MHz
Multiplier: 11X
Bus Speed: 200Mhz
Front Side Bus Speed: 200Mhz
L1 Instruction Cache: 2 x 32 KB
L1 Data Cache: 2 x 32 KB
L2 Cache Size: 1 x 2 MB
L3 Cache: (N/A)

Memory Information
Total Physical Memory: 2037 MB RAM
Available Physical Memory: 1085 MB RAM
Slot 1: DDR2, 1024MB, 667MHz
Slot 2: DDR2, 1024MB, 667MHz
Virtual Memory: C:\pagefile.sys (2037 MB)

Disk Information
Drive Letter (Number): C (Physical drive 0)
Model Number: WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0
Disk Size (Free space): 39.0 GBytes (19.8 GBytes)
Disk Cluster Size: 4 KBytes
File System: NTFS
Drive Letter (Number): D (Physical drive 0)
Model Number: WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0
Disk Size (Free space): 110.0 GBytes (45.1 GBytes)
Disk Cluster Size: 4 KBytes
File System: NTFS

Video Adapters
Description: GMA 950 Ultimate Graphics V1.2 Sherry
Chip Type: Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family
DAC Type: Internal
Memory: 256MB
Video BIOS: Intel Video BIOS
Driver Provider: 9xxssf
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 9-23-2009
Monitor 1: 1440x900x32 75Hz (Primary monitor)


Aug 7, 2010, 4:20:05 PM8/7/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Your scores are surprisingly similar to mine, a bit higher, but you're
using V1.2 Alpha which already has some performance enhancements that
my V1.1E don't.
I think no benchmark was set as a standard for our group yet though.


Aug 8, 2010, 12:53:25 AM8/8/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Would U Post Ur PerformanceTest Result....
I Just Wanna see the difference.....
Also Put Ur System Spec In It....
Would U Mind doing This.....


Aug 8, 2010, 9:31:30 AM8/8/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
My specs are on the members specs. I'll post performancetest results


Aug 8, 2010, 1:33:11 PM8/8/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
PerformanceTest 7.0 build 1016 benchmark results:
CPU Mark - 1025.8
2D Graphics Mark - 279.8
3D Graphics Mark - 112.6
Memory Mark - 451.6
Disk Mark - 471.5

It's hard to set a benchmark default, being so many on the market,
like Sandra, PCMark, PerformanceTest, etc. And I'm just talking about
full system benchmarks also with selective component benchmarks :S


Aug 8, 2010, 1:49:13 PM8/8/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
PerformanceTest 7.0 build 1016 benchmark results after addreg
CPU Mark - 1005.5
2D Graphics Mark - 282.6
3D Graphics Mark - 122.8
Memory Mark - 448.9
Disk Mark - 472.0


Aug 8, 2010, 2:07:31 PM8/8/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
thanks for comparison..


Aug 8, 2010, 2:22:30 PM8/8/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
That is a good idea :)
About your scores, desktop components are faster than mobile ones,
that are usually downclocked by default for power saving measures.


Aug 8, 2010, 6:01:35 PM8/8/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
Yea we should set a benchmark standard for us to use. I'd somehwhat
perfer a light-weight benchmark (like xbench for mac) but I have yet
to see one for windows that tests graphics, CPU, and HDD (like xbench
:p), not that it matters though.

> --

Acer TravelMate 2480
GFX: GMA950   CPU: Intel Celeron M 420 @ 1.6Ghz   RAM: 2GB DDR2 333Mhz
  HDD: Samsung 120GB 5400RPM SATA


Aug 9, 2010, 2:43:01 AM8/9/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I totally agree with lightweight benchmarks, and performancetest does
seem to fit the bill more or less for that, I think. Other group
members opinions would be nice :)


Aug 12, 2010, 5:36:51 PM8/12/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I still get the occasional specular halo graphical problems :(
Doesn't really affect my gameplay but an occasional flash of bright
lights go across my screen every now and again.

henry franz

Aug 13, 2010, 1:08:20 AM8/13/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
my God thanks for your driver man! I reinstalled windows 7 then played
warcraft and crap so slow. Then I installed your alpha for 950windows
7, Man I'm just happy. :)) i play warcraft at a more higher rate than
when I'm in xp :)))) thanks man! keep up the good work. I hope that
this SHERRY alpha would be finished soon. :)) Looking forward man!


Aug 13, 2010, 1:14:20 AM8/13/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
I hope I get results like that with warcraft lol, every driver made
war3 and WoW run slower in 7 then in XP. My CPU is weak though so that
may be it, only a single core 1.6Ghz

henry franz

Aug 13, 2010, 1:46:34 AM8/13/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
@espionage of course you can brother :) my specs are core solo 1.8ghz
2gb ram 5XXmhz almost the same
I just installed this SHERRY and it improved the performance of online
flash games like in facebook :)) i'll report more later gotta go :))


Aug 14, 2010, 5:07:40 PM8/14/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Sup Angelic! Glad to see the Sherry drivers are undergoing! I'll have
a look at it sometime in the near futur ( probably today actually )
and see if it can run on my x3100 .

Sorry for the VERY late reply, but work been keeping me reallllyy busy


Aug 14, 2010, 5:30:15 PM8/14/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
Hey good to see you back Neo :)


Aug 14, 2010, 5:48:20 PM8/14/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Thanks Espi :)

Broke my laptop hard drive recently , had to buy a new one .. This is
what happens when the power connection is getting loose on my
laptop... I smash it with my fist and the hard drive fails ....
Well, at least I have a nice shinny brand new OEM WD Blue Scorpion
500g in this thing now !

On Aug 14, 2:30 pm, Espionage724 <espionage...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey good to see you back Neo :)


Aug 14, 2010, 6:18:29 PM8/14/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Did you get to recover your data from the older hdd? I have one of
those WD Blue Scorpio, and they're quite fast, just don't set the
acoustic management completely off or force it to keep running
constantly nor with almost immediate spin down, and you'll be fine.


Aug 14, 2010, 7:40:32 PM8/14/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Nah couldn't recover the data. Doesn't matter anyways , I have a 1TB
external hard drive so everything was saved already


Aug 14, 2010, 8:09:32 PM8/14/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Lucky :) I had my 1TB external crash on me, but now I'm on a tough
spot, either I open the box and lose the warranty or send the hdd to
warranty and lose my data :S


Aug 14, 2010, 9:35:19 PM8/14/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Will this work on windows vista?

THEfog .

Aug 15, 2010, 12:24:19 AM8/15/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com

If you can open the case without breaking any seals or stickers go for
it but otherwise send it back, you can make a request for Recovery of
data, and if they dont comply without reasonable explanation then you
can sue them for destruction of property.


THEfog .

Aug 15, 2010, 12:27:04 AM8/15/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
sorry for the double post..


I believe that drivers developed for windows 7 function with Windows
Vista but it is not recommended, what is recommended though is to
upgrade to Windows 7, trust me its a decision you wont regret making.


Aug 15, 2010, 7:08:14 AM8/15/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
Hey all..been bz lately..lol..thnks neo 4 ur support..im not sure
about x3100 but u can try and im hoping 4 good news ^^..also i 4got to
state that while the v1.2 will work with vista os,some peformance drop
will occur coz of v1.2 relies on win 7 gdi..also i second that win 7
upgrade is a way to go...

> --

Sent from my mobile device

Acer Aspire
Core Duo T2300E @ 1.67GHz
Intel GMA 950 IGP
Intel 945 Chipset
1GB RAM (512MB*2) Dual Channel DDR2
80GB standard PATA HDD
Win7 Ultimate 32bit / Ubuntu 10.04


Aug 15, 2010, 7:23:37 AM8/15/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
The bastards state that, and I quote, "Any loss, corruption or
destruction of data while using a LaCie drive is the sole
responsibility of the user, and under no circumstances will LaCie be
held liable for the recovery or restoration of this data." so it seems
I'm screwed, and I'm certainly not gonna pay 500$ for professional
data recovery :S The thing is that I think the screws are hidden
behind the hdd rubber feet, and I'm not sure if there's any glue or
something holding together. I'll have to check it carefully. It's
either a faulty charger or the hdd itself, I'm waiting for a friend to
lend me an universal charger to test it.

South Side

Aug 15, 2010, 3:14:58 PM8/15/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
> i have to thanks AngelicTears for this MD , some games have a great boost here like halo , resident evil 4 , starcraft II , but in NFS Most Wanted with the Modded Driver , i have some laggy , really laggy in-game , menu have some laggy too , but this i think everybody who's helping can fix it , and sorry for the bad english if i make any mistake :/


Aug 16, 2010, 12:53:42 AM8/16/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
LaCie drives are not very good just so you know! The best option is to
buy an internal hard drive then buy an external case and you're set to

@Angelic : x3100 is not supported in any way. Your drivers are for the
945/950 and wont work at all for the 965 unfortunatly.


Aug 16, 2010, 12:56:31 AM8/16/10
to intel9x...@googlegroups.com
oh yeah i forgot that i removed the device id all together for other device in the inf, u could do a manual install though ..




Aug 16, 2010, 1:00:59 AM8/16/10
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
I have an internal hdd in an external case, but I already had to send
to warranty 3 cases as they all sucked. From personal experience,
LaCie drivers work quite well on all interfaces, be it usb, firewire,
esata or gigalan. Mine is only usb, but with the drivers installed it
runs at max usb 2.0 speed. My point is that while it worked, it worked
great. Hopefully it will be the charger that's faulty, if not I'm
royally screwed :SSS
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