How to force custom resolution using Swift Shader 3.0

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May 14, 2011, 2:38:05 PM5/14/11
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Hi everyone i recently downloaded DMC4 for my intel 4500MHD,it works
somewhat good.
And i also installed it on my desktop with GMA 950,i know it will not
work good with swift shader.i also have seen a post that it sucks in
intel 950.but i just wanted to give a try.So can someone please help
me how to lower the resolution than 640 x 480 to like 320x340,etc...

Some one please reply if u know the answer.

arcane cossack

May 14, 2011, 3:02:28 PM5/14/11
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
it's not gonna be worth doing. The desktop could use a better card, as
well, so there's no reason to even put that much effort into it when
you could just get a junker card and throw it in.


May 14, 2011, 11:18:20 PM5/14/11
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
ya i know man,but could u say how to lower the resolution.PLEASE :D


May 18, 2011, 7:54:53 AM5/18/11
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Same with me,I try to force the resolution but not work
almost work but crash and back to 640 x 360

Jose Villegas (MADBEAST)

May 18, 2011, 10:21:18 AM5/18/11
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
Guys to force a lower res you must tweak it from the main folder of
the game, try to find the config file of the game, most of the times
its within the folder where the .exe of the game is located


May 18, 2011, 11:44:14 AM5/18/11
to 9xx Soldiers sans frontiers
You can't lower the resolution in DMC4,i have tried it on my g31,i
found the config file,change the res to 512x384 and it jumps back to
640x400,no way to play DMC4 on GMA950
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