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E100B1: Has determined that the adapter is not fuctioning properly NT4 SP4 EVENT ID 5002

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Greg Nystrom

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
I have a intermitent problem with a integated onboard E100B 82558 NIC I get this error when the
NIC is under load during backups The NIC will run for days with out missing a beat then It will
get the error E100B1: Has determined that the adapter is not fuctioning properly is posted in the NT event
logs and I will lose connection from the LAN. I have Phoenix BIOS with
Plug and play turned off.
The NIC is part Number 668081-002.
Driver Name E100BNT.SYS

The switch is a BAY NETWORK Accelar 1200 with 100 Full duplex forced on both sides.
I also have a sniff if anyone is interested? I called Intel support (willing to pay)
and they told me to call the maker of the motherboard for support...The computers
are DATA GENERAL 2650R the motherboard is made by ALR or gateway. I can also reproduce
this problem on other machines that are identical hardware and software. Anyone
want to step up to the plate and bat.

John C.(Intel(R) Internet Support)

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

Thanks for your inquiry about Intel® products.

First of all, you are using the correct number for this network adapter pwa
number. Greg, where are you getting this number from; if this is an
integrated nic, then this number should not be there. Was it found on the
motherboard? Are you using the driver that came with your system? Or is this
indeed our Intel(R) Pro 100+ management adapter taking up a pci slot?

What is the interface for your backup device? Is it SCSI or IDE? I am
assuming that this is SCSI.

If this is an embedded device, or if it was installed by the factory, then
your primary source of technical support is your system vendor and
manufacturer. They will know what issues, if any you are experiencing based
on their knowledge and testing of their system environment.

I can offer some advice;

If the only time you drop network connections is when you are performing a
backup, then if the machine in question is also the backup server, then the
SCSI adapter and the network adapter may have a conflict.

Is the server or workstation in question only experiencing these issues when
accessing a SACS device? If so, then this would appear to be the issue.

Are you sharing an IRQ with the network adapter and another device? Is the
SCSI controller also an embedded device? You will have to ask your vendor
how to insure that you are not sharing interrupts or memory addresses
between these two devices.

Greg, do you ever get any other error messages in event viewer? You ONLY get
the above referenced errors when backing up? What network clients are loaded
on your system? Is the bios the latest revision for your system?

Please let me know how you came out.

Best regards,

John C.

John C.(Intel(R) Internet Support)

*trademarks of other companies are recognized as owned by the respective

Intel trademarks may not be used without written permission of Intel.

Greg Nystrom <> wrote in message

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