IGB has stopped loading

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Emilia Dimitrova

Dec 21, 2023, 8:23:58 AM12/21/23
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
I'm using IGB v 9.1.10 on Windows 11. It has all of the sudden stopped running and crashes at the IGB icon when starting. I have installed it again with no success. Could you advise me on what could be causing the issue?


Nowlan Freese

Dec 21, 2023, 10:57:16 AM12/21/23
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
Hi Emilia,

We are working on a new release of IGB with significant upgrades that may fix the issue. We are planning on a release sometime after the holidays in early January.

In the meantime, I would recommend removing the IGB folder located in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\IGB on Windows, then try starting IGB again. Note that removing the IGB folder will remove any bookmarks and preferences you have created (let me know if this is an issue). 

It may also be worth running IGB as an administrator. I work on Mac so I will have to confer with one of our Windows developers, but I think you would right-click on the IGB icon and select Run as Administrator.



Nowlan Freese

Dec 21, 2023, 3:39:27 PM12/21/23
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
If you would like to try out our newest build of IGB for Windows, the link is below. Note that this is an in development version. I would be very interested to know if this works for you!

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