After adding my quickload folder to Data Sources I am facing the error, "Site not responding or missing required files."
I have a local Quickload folder set up on my desktop containing a contents.txt file and a S_lycopersicum_Sep_2019 folder. The S_lycopersicum folder contains a genome.txt file for SL4.0, an annots.xml file, and a folder containing my Bam/bai files.
My annots.xml reads as follows:
<!-- Set of Bam files for IGBQuickload -->
<file name = "bamfiles/SRR2006791.bam"
index = "bamfiles/SRR2006791.bai"
title = "RNA-seq/WT Leaf Heat Stress"
description = "Fragkostefanakis S et al. 2016"/>
Do you have any troubleshooting ideas to help solve this problem?
Thank you,
Ben Styler