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Known issue where spaces in file or folder names can cause files not to load in IGB

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Nowlan Freese

Mar 28, 2024, 10:20:38 AM3/28/24
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
We are aware and are working on an issue where bigwig and bigbed files fail to load in IGB 10.0.0. The issue is caused by the occurrence of special characters, such as spaces, in the file's name or a folder name that the file is within. While we work on a fix, the current workaround is to remove spaces from the file name or folder name.

IGB Helper

May 7, 2024, 10:44:38 AM5/7/24
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
We've released a new version of IGB (v. 10.0.1) that fixes the bug preventing bigwig and bigbed files from loading. To download this new version, you can visit our website ( and click on the red "Install IGB" button. This will navigate you to a page with the download button for IGB 10.0.1. Here's a direct link to that download page:
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