IGB data provider experiencing issues

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Nowlan Freese

Jul 18, 2024, 4:26:12 PM7/18/24
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
We have identified an issue with an IGB data provider. IGB may take a long time to start and when it does no data is available. 

We have identified the problem and are working on a fix. In the meantime, I have included some instructions below for working around the issue so you can get IGB running.
  1. Turn off your internet
  2. Start IGB
  3. Click on Configure in the Data Access tab
  4. Deselect all of the enabled Data Sources so that they are disabled
  5. Click the Add... button
    1. Set the Name to IGB Quickload Backup
    2. Leave the Type as Quickload
    3. Set the URL to http://igbquickload.org/quickload/
    4. Click Submit
  6. Close IGB
  7. Turn on your internet
  8. Start IGB

IGB should start up normally, and the default IGB genomes should be available. If you have any of your own data in a quickload you should be able to enable it. Let me know if you need access to data in any of the other default quickloads, such as ChIP-Seq, Bio-Analytic Resource, etc... and we can figure it out from there.

Thank you for using IGB!


Click on Configure in the Data Access tab
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 4.03.45 PM.png

Deselect all of the enabled Data Sources so that they are disabled
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 3.51.37 PM.png

Click the Add... button
  1. Set the Name to IGB Quickload Backup
  2. Leave the Type as Quickload
  3. Set the URL to http://igbquickload.org/quickload/
  4. Click Submit
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 3.52.05 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 4.14.42 PM.png

Nowlan Freese

Jul 18, 2024, 4:33:58 PM7/18/24
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk

Nowlan Freese

Jul 19, 2024, 12:02:50 PM7/19/24
to Integrated Genome Browser Help Desk
The issue with the data provider has been resolved. IGB should be running normally. 

Please let us know if you experience any issues.

Thank you!


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