Пересылка от Вяч. Марача: Hull, United Kingdom, PhD Scholarships for the 2014/15 academic year

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Viatcheslav Maratcha

Feb 2, 2014, 4:11:30 AM2/2/14
to Семинары по институциональному подходу, МетаКонсалтинг - группа Google, Щедровицкий Петр, Балобанов Александр Евгеньевич, Евгений Миронов, Красовская Наталья Николаевна, копия: Королев Антон Сергеевич
Коллеги, есть отличная возможность поступить в лучшую английскую аспирантуру по системному мышлению!
Трехлетняя программа в Hull University Business School (HUBS) стартует в сентябре 2014 г.
Подробности - в письме ниже.
Бизнес-школа Университета Халла (HUBS)  известна тем, что в ней находится один из лучших и крупнейший в мире Центр системных исследований, в котором работают такие "звезды", как Дж.Миджли (действующий Президент Международного системного общества) и Мих.Джексон (автор концепций "системы системных методологий" и "креативного холизма"). Работа Центра основана на идеях "критического системного мышления", рассматриваемого в связи с "системными практиками".
В Англии системное мышление позиционируется как фундаментальная составляющая управленцев топового уровня.
Данной информацией можно поделиться с заинтересованными коллегами.
С добрыми пожеланиями,
Вячеслав Марача
-------- Пересылаемое сообщение--------
02.02.2014, 06:24, "Announcement list for the International Society for the Systems Sciences" <anno...@lists.isss.org>:

From: Gerald R Midgley
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 6:04 PM
Subject: Hull PhD Scholarships for the 2014/15 academic year

Please reply with queries as indicated below:



Four three-year PhD scholarships are available for full-time study in the Hull University Business School (HUBS), starting September 2014 in Hull, England. Within this business school is the Centre for Systems Studies, which has an outstanding international reputation for the study of systems thinking (both theoretical and applied). When these scholarships were previously announced, they had a deadline of 4 February. However, because of technical problems, the deadline has been extended to 16 February. This gives new applicants an extra opportunity to apply! Further details are pasted below:



Each scholarship will pay the equivalent of the Home/EU tuition fees. Non Home/EU students will need to pay the balance of the international tuition fee. In addition to the fees, all students, regardless of nationality, will receive a maintenance allowance of £13,863 per year, for the normal duration of the award, to a maximum of three years. For information, the Home/EU tuition fee cost for 2014 will be £3,996 per year. Non-EU candidates will be responsible for paying the difference between the EU and non-EU fees.


These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the best overall application, with particular attention paid to the research proposal. Applications are encouraged in the following areas: Accounting & Accountability; Corporate Social Responsibility; Empirical Finance & Banking; Logistics, Project Management, Supply Chains & Operations Management; Marketing; Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management; Economics; Regional and International Business; Systems Thinking,  Systems Science, Cybernetics, Complexity, Complex Project Management, Problem Structuring & Information Systems.


  You must apply to study at the same time as, or before, you apply for a scholarship.



How to apply to study


To apply to study on a PhD programme at HUBS, applicants must submit the following:


·   A completed postgraduate application form

·   A research proposal of approximately 3,000 words (excluding references) detailing excellent knowledge of subject literature and research methods. The research proposal should be properly referenced utilising Harvard referencing style.

·   A covering letter to accompany the completed application form outlining a case for a scholarship award

·    A current detailed CV, identifying any research employment or experience and, where applicable, details of conference presentations or publications

·  Copies of educational transcripts and degree certificates

·  Two good references


See the end of this email for web sites offering further guidance on how to write your application. There is also a web site for electronic submissions.



How to apply for the scholarship?


Please fill out the form below, after you have applied for entry to the PhD programme, and either post it or email it to the address at the end of this message.


In order to be considered for a scholarship, applicants must


1.       Have applied to study on the PhD programme before applying for this scholarship (see above). Applicants must write their admissions application code on this scholarship application for consideration;


2.      Be able to commence their studies in September 2014, and be resident in Hull, England, at that time.





The deadline for this scholarship application is Sunday 16 February 2014 for entry in September 2014.  Successful applicants will be notified by Wednesday 30 April 2014, and the scholarship will be offset against your tuition fee at registration. Any scholarship applicants who have not submitted a full application to study, with all the required documentation as stipulated above, will not be considered.



Contact details


Last name (as written on application form):         _____________________________


First name(s) (as written on application form):    _____________________________



Nationality:                                                               _____________________________



Country of residence:                                              _____________________________


University of Hull application code for the PhD:   _____________________________           


E-mail address (you will be notified by e- mail

so please write this clearly):                                               _____________________________



Signed __________________________     Date ____________________________




Entry requirements can be found at:



Guidelines for writing your research proposal can be found at:



Please apply for the PhD degree programme at the following web page on-line application:  https://myadmin.hull.ac.uk/Main/Login.aspx?referrer=pgapply


After you have received an application code from central admissions please fill in this form and scan it to:


Ms Bella Anand

Faculty Admissions Manager





   Best regards

   Ms. Bella Anand
   Faculty Admissions Manager

   Hull University Business School

   T +44 (0)1482 463331


   University of Hull
   Hull, HU6 7RX, UK







Business school scholarships and bursaries





The advice contained in this email is based upon the information you supplied and does not constitute a binding offer.  This offer is subject to your satisfying the University’s admission regulations and requirements and may be withdrawn if you fail to satisfy or comply with the University’s formal admission requirements, which may include a risk assessment or professional body approval.



To view the terms under which this email is
distributed, please go to


announce mailing list

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Viatcheslav Maratcha

Feb 2, 2014, 12:39:50 PM2/2/14
to metacon...@googlegroups.com, Семинары по институциональному подходу
Это для всех, кто подходит под описанные критерии.
Поскольку это аспирантура - то, соответственно для выпускников или для системщиков, уже имеющих высшее образование.

> Вячеслав, спасибо за интересную ссылку!
> Вопрос: это для студентов или практикующих системологов?
> 02.02.2014 13:11, Viatcheslav Maratcha пишет:
>> Email:b.a...@hull.ac.uk
>> --
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> уважением, Куликова Надежда Владимировна,
> Тел.: 8-916-426-78-77 (Мск)
> E-mail: k...@collegian.ru
> Сайт Коллегии: www.collegian.ru
> www.proanalyst.ru
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Александр Алексеев

Feb 3, 2014, 6:59:01 AM2/3/14
to Viatcheslav Maratcha, Семинары по институциональному подходу, МетаКонсалтинг - группа Google, Щедровицкий Петр, Балобанов Александр Евгеньевич, Евгений Миронов, Красовская Наталья Николаевна, копия: Королев Антон Сергеевич
Привет, Слава!
Что-то мне подсказывает, что для такого обучения надо знать английский на хорошем уровне, иметь деньги для проживания и быть достаточно молодым. А в чем результат? Что даст такое обучение. Мне уже поздно. А сам то ты не готов ли их поучить чему? Думаю, найдется.

Воскресенье, 2 февраля 2014, 13:11 +04:00 от Viatcheslav Maratcha <mara...@yandex.ru>:
Вы получили это сообщение, поскольку подписаны на группу Семинары по системному мышлению и институциональному подходу.
Чтобы отказаться от подписки на эту группу и перестать получать из нее сообщения, отправьте электронное письмо на адрес instituition...@googlegroups.com.

Настройки подписки и доставки писем: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Александр Алексеев
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