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Record control is missing store this result as checkbox

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May 27, 2018, 6:26:30 AM5/27/18
to InSTEDD Technology Users Group
Hi Team,
It looks like issue with record control, store this result as checkbox is missing. Can you please take a look. I am trying to capture user recorded message and store it in variable so I can pass it to external service to process it. Can you please confirm, if that is possible or any other way with which I can achieve this.

There is also not much documentation available online for'write to variable' control. Where can I get this required documentation.



May 28, 2018, 2:25:24 PM5/28/18
to InSTEDD Technology Users Group
Hi Team,
Can you please take a look at this


Kakada Chheang

May 28, 2018, 10:28:31 PM5/28/18
Hi Tushil,

It's not the issue that Verboice has no store this result as checkbox as Verboice was designed to do not allow user to assign variable to Record step therefore you could find them in Project Phonebook of caller's number which left voice recording.

Please see Verboice API wiki for your information on how could you achieve things on Verboice through external application via API.



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Kakada Chheang

Lead Software Developer, InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia

Office: +855 23 996750

Mobile: +855 69 860 012

Skype:  kakada.chheang


twitter: @iLabSEA



May 29, 2018, 12:16:25 AM5/29/18
to InSTEDD Technology Users Group
Hi Kakada,

Thanks a lot for your reply. Just one final question though, we are using verboice call flow for some demo application, we are able to capture the DTMF user inputs and share those with external services for business logic processing. The only thing we are not getting is how capture voice input from user using verboice flow.

For eg. What is your favourite color.
For above question, user should be able to provide voice input. We don't want to create menu list of colors as that would be big and user will have to wait to listen to all the available options.

So we just want to capture voice input from user, store it in variable and send it to external services. The interaction with external services we already figured it out. We need help on how to get voice input or any other alternative to it where options list can have more values.

I appreciate any help/suggestion on this.


Tushil Sarade

May 29, 2018, 1:30:27 PM5/29/18
to InSTEDD Technology Users Group
Hi Team,

Sorry to chase on this but if you could guide us on voice user input that will be really useful. We need to present our POC in couple of days and this is important part of solution. It would be great, if you could guide us on this.


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Eduardo Jezierski

May 29, 2018, 3:49:42 PM5/29/18
Hi Tushil - have you used the 'record' step? the audio is then available as part of the call data API and there is a separate specific RSS feed of audio recordings in case you want to handle it to a microtasking system asynchronously.

The audio itself (as in the bytes) isn't stored in a variable but rather the id of the recording that just happened (which can then be queried via the API). Maybe folks here remember what that variable is.

~ ej

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Tushil Sarade

May 30, 2018, 8:25:56 AM5/30/18
to InSTEDD Technology Users Group
Hi Eduardo,
Thanks for your reply. I am checking the feed option now, however the record control is not working well. I am not able to record anything in verboice. It is failing with the error "Fatal internal Error :undef".

Hope someone take a look at it. 
Thanks a lot on your advice about feed api that has definitely given some direction to look at. Just incase do you have any documentation  for rss feed api. 


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