Our next Instawalk SF, June 11th in China Town... what time though?

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Doctor Popular

Jun 3, 2011, 4:36:13 PM6/3/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
Hey dudes! I wanted to share some details about our next photo walk on Saturday June 11th. The big news is that we'll be teaming up with Photojojo for this walk!!! They've offered to bring 20 or so iPhone fisheye lenses to lend out to our group during the walk, and I believe after the walk they may have some other cool stuff in mind. We'll talk about that later.

When I was thinking about Fisheye photography, for some reason Chinatown came to mind. It just seems like a perfect fit for fisheyes... plus Big Lenses in Little Chinatown sounds kind of awesome, right? :)

So before I announce this anywhere else, I wanted to talk about times. I'd like to hear some opinions on when you guys would like to start the walk. 11am or 3pm? Or "other"?

Speak up, we'll announce the final details tomorrow!

-Doctor Popular
Game Designer/Musician


Jun 3, 2011, 4:45:39 PM6/3/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
11 am works the best for me. i think that will also give us good light
for Chinatown.

I want to be famous in the way a pulley is famous, or a buttonhole,
not because it did anything spectacular, but because it never forgot
what it could do. ~ Naomi Shihab Nye

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our
Darkness, that most frightens us. ~ Marianne Williamson

Justice is what love looks like in public. ~ Cornel West

Blake Williams

Jun 3, 2011, 5:08:59 PM6/3/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
This will be great! I'm down with either, though 11am just gives us that much more time. Will be cool to meet Photojojo folks. In the meantime, I'll cook up some Instagram book giveaways for the walk ;-)  I guess there is a walk in Oakland the next day, too? Gonna be an #Instaweekend.


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Will Chase

Jun 3, 2011, 5:11:07 PM6/3/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
i agree with cynthia.  this will be great!


will chase arts

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Jun 3, 2011, 5:13:00 PM6/3/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
Another thing that is happening on the 11th is the Underground Food
Market... maybe we could make our way there for food and photos.

Laurie Higashi

Jun 3, 2011, 7:27:20 PM6/3/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
It looks like I'm probably outvoted, but I'd still like to register a preference for 3 or later simply because I work until 3 on Saturdays.

Doctor Popular

Jun 4, 2011, 7:15:13 PM6/4/11
to instaw...@googlegroups.com
Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback! The time has been set and I've created a flier using Phoster if anyone wants to use it. Photojojo are also working on a flier, and I encourage you guys to make your own fliers if you want. The details are online here http://www.objectivescenes.com/2011/06/june-11th-instawalk-in-san-franciscos-chinatown-district/

"Hey IGers, we've set up our plans for the next #instawalksf! We are meeting at the Dragon's Gate (Bush St & Grant Ave) at 11am and walking through San Francisco's Chinatown district. Afterwards we'll probably end up at a bar in North Beach to chat about iPhone photography.

But wait, there's more :) The awesome folks at @photojojo will be bringing a bunch of iPhone lenses (including their fisheye lenses!) to lend out to our group. I believe Photojojo have some other cool things planned, but I'll let them announce that. #instawalk photowalks are obviously @instagram themed, but anyone can bring whatever camera they wish. See you there!"

lisbeth o.

Jun 9, 2011, 5:53:38 PM6/9/11
to Instawalk SF
Hi Everyone!

This is Lisbeth from Photojojo! The rumors are TRUE. We'll be co-
hosting the Instawalk this Saturday starting at 11 AM in Chinatown.

There will be fisheye cell lenses a-plenty to play with, and
afterwards, we'll hang out and share pics!

You can RSVP here on our Facebook event, and below is a flier that you
can post on Instagram (or throw off the roof of tall buildings).

RSVP here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=215181435182488

A Flier!: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150210079226743&set=pu.7227076742&type=1&theater
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