Conversion Action vs. Audience Imports

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Dec 1, 2023, 10:47:46 AM12/1/23
to Instant BQML Users
Hi all,

I was hoping to get a bit of clarification on how the imported conversion action is being leveraged in Google Ads.

For example, if I set up a pipeline that creates an audience of equipment purchasers, is the thought that the conversion action would optimize towards high scoring users similar to how it would optimize towards higher revenue purchases for a purchase conversion action? The audiences make sense and we're rolling those out, but we're a little more hesitant with the conversion action import.

Thank you!

Instant BQML Users

Dec 2, 2023, 9:52:34 AM12/2/23
to Instant BQML Users
The conversion action can be used as the Goal in a maximize conversion value Bidding strategy campaign. This approach is often known as value-based bidding, or more specifically, predictive value-based bidding. For details on Google Ads setup check out "Import & Bid to Conversion Events." Also, this technical paper explains how the predictive value is determined. 

The conversion action's value is essentially a predictive dollar value which is defaulted at $100 but can modified in the pipeline settings to suit your own business. The value you set (default = $100) is the dollar value that will be associated with users in your top predictive segment. Here is a simplified diagram of how this plays out.

Please reach out with any additional questions. Have a great day!
Tyrone S.


Dec 8, 2023, 10:22:38 AM12/8/23
to Instant BQML Users
Thank you, Tyrone! This was very helpful.
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