SO...where can I get the most recent version of MSI to install on client
machines? I have search Microsoft high and low, even in MSDN online and
Sitebuilder network, but nothing! Anyone?Anyone?
Heath Stewart, Network Administrator
SiteBuilder Network Level 2 Member
I don't have an answer for you (sorry). I just wanted to let you know that
there is a discussion board about MSI and other upcoming technologies on
InstallSite. Maybe someone there can help you.
Stefan Krueger
Independent Setup Consultant
// InstallSite - Resources for setup developers
// (primary site - USA) <-- NEW !!!
// (mirror site - Singapore)
My reply-to address is invalid to avoid spam.
If you are looking for individual assistance, like e-mail support,
please mail to for support options.
Heath Stewart schrieb in Nachricht <>...
You won't. Not at the moment anyway. The ISWi program has been removed from
the website until Microsoft releases a new component.
Stefan Paetow
InstallShield Software Corp.
Check out the ISWi web site for more information. We have a new release
(build 281) available for existing beta testers and EEP members.
Lead Developer Support Engineer
InstallShield Software Corporation
InstallShield Software Corporation wrote in message
Stefan Krueger
Independent Setup Consultant
// InstallSite - Resources for setup developers
// (primary site - USA)
// (mirror site - Singapore)
My reply-to address is invalid to avoid spam.
If you are looking for individual assistance,
like e-mail support, please mail to for support options.
Paul Ingles <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
1) Downloaded one version that wasn't smart enough to recognize that it
couldn't work on certain builds of Win2K. Endless frustration.
2) Installed latest build of Win2K.
3) Found out that the ISWI version still didn't work worth a damn.
4) Downloaded the latest build.
5) Finally got a working ISWI version... only to find that "working" is
defined as "typical InstallShield functionality".
My advice: don't worry about no password. They're doing you a service by
stopping you using ISWI.
<Speaking strictly for myself; not my company or anyone else>
Paul Ingles <> wrote in message