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Filter by SetupType

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Brian Collins

не прочитано,
19 нояб. 2000 г., 03:00:0019.11.2000
I am trying to filter by SetupTypeEx. I have the two types displayed
correctly in SetupTypeEx. They come up in the dialog and you can select
one, however, near the end of the install, I am trying to filter some
Reg settings by SetupTypeEx.
I created a String variable, svInstallD and svInstallM and set each one
with the correct type,

SdSetupTypeEx ( "Sprinticket Install Types" ,"Please choose one
installation method" , "" , svSetupTypeEx , 0 );
if(svSetupTypeEx = "Manager's Workstation")then
svInstallM = "Manager's Workstaion";
MessageBox("You have chosen the Manager's Workstation Type

This works fine in the function but I need to use this variable later
the the script in another function. I tried to use the #define
svInstallM "Manager's Workstation"
in the beginning of the install but this didn't work.
Then I tried a BOOL,
if (svSetupTypeEx = "Manager's Workstation")then
bManager = TRUE;

This did not work later in the script either. Help !
Can this be done ?

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