installation issues

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Sep 5, 2009, 1:23:13 AM9/5/09
to Insoshi
Hi Guys,
I'm have a bit of a hard time with the installation of Insoshi.
Hoping someone can help.

The environment is Ubuntu 9.04, running on top of Nginx/Passenger, and
Rails 2.3.4, Gem 1.3.5, and Ruby 1.8.7

Sphinx is installed and had no issues with the build. However when I
rake spec, I get 16 errors.

The errors are all in in the SearchesController

Here is the full list.
NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Forum post searches should search
by post body'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Forum post searches should search
by topic name'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

'SearchesController Forum post searches should render with a post div'
Expected at least 1 element matching "div[class='forum']", found 0.
<false> is not true.

'SearchesController Forum post searches should render with a topic
link' FAILED
Expected at least 1 element matching "a[href='/forums/953125641/topics/
953125641#post_2028221680']", found 0.
<false> is not true.

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Message searches should search by
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Message searches should search by
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Message searches should find only
messages sent to logged-in user'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Message searches should not find
trashed messages'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Person searches as an admin
should return deactivated users'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

NoMethodError in 'SearchesController Person searches as an admin
should return email unverified users'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.include?
./spec/models/../matchers/custom_model_matchers.rb:134:in `matches?'

'SearchesController Person searches as a normal user should not return
deactivated users' FAILED
expected: [],
got: nil (using ==)

'SearchesController Person searches as a normal user should not return
email unverified users' FAILED
expected: [],
got: nil (using ==)

'SearchesController Person searches should return empty for a blank
query' FAILED
expected success? to return true, got false

'SearchesController Person searches should return empty for a
'wildcard' query' FAILED
expected: [],
got: nil (using ==)

'SearchesController Person searches should search by name' FAILED
expected: [#<Person id: 1402298589, email: "",
name: "Quentin", remember_token: nil, crypted_password: "Uh/VMtkpi0e
+YMHZVuvhfBa/LJ14lZQfJ5EI4/88Jo9EeewuzmK...", description: "I'm
Quentin", remember_token_expires_at: nil, last_contacted_at: nil,
last_logged_in_at: "2009-09-05 14:16:38", forum_posts_count: 0,
blog_post_comments_count: 0, wall_comments_count: 0, created_at:
"2009-08-31 14:16:16", updated_at: "2009-09-05 14:16:38", admin:
false, deactivated: false, connection_notifications: true,
message_notifications: true, wall_comment_notifications: true,
blog_comment_notifications: true, email_verified: true, avatar_id:
nil, identity_url: nil>],
got: nil (using ==)

'SearchesController Person searches should search by description'
expected: [#<Person id: 1402298589, email: "",
name: "Quentin", remember_token: nil, crypted_password: "Uh/VMtkpi0e
+YMHZVuvhfBa/LJ14lZQfJ5EI4/88Jo9EeewuzmK...", description: "I'm
Quentin", remember_token_expires_at: nil, last_contacted_at: nil,
last_logged_in_at: "2009-09-05 14:16:39", forum_posts_count: 0,
blog_post_comments_count: 0, wall_comments_count: 0, created_at:
"2009-08-31 14:16:16", updated_at: "2009-09-05 14:16:39", admin:
false, deactivated: false, connection_notifications: true,
message_notifications: true, wall_comment_notifications: true,
blog_comment_notifications: true, email_verified: true, avatar_id:
nil, identity_url: nil>],
got: nil (using ==)

Finished in 24.496918 seconds

445 examples, 16 failures
rake aborted!
Command /usr/bin/ruby1.8 -I"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.8/
lib" "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.8/bin/spec" "spec/helpers/
connections_helper_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/forums_helper_spec.rb" "spec/
helpers/events_helper_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/
communications_helper_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/comments_helper_spec.rb"
"spec/helpers/posts_helper_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/
preferences_helper_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/searches_helper_spec.rb"
"spec/helpers/activities_helper_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/
topics_helper_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
password_reminders_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
connections_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
sessions_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
topics_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
searches_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
people_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
activities_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
messages_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/admin/
people_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/admin/
forums_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/admin/
preferences_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
photos_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
forums_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
comments_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
galleries_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/
events_controller_spec.rb" "spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb"
"spec/views/people/show.html.erb_spec.rb" "spec/views/layouts/
application.html.erb_spec.rb" "spec/views/sessions/
new.html.erb_spec.rb" "spec/models/activity_spec.rb" "spec/models/
forum_post_spec.rb" "spec/models/event_attendee_spec.rb" "spec/models/
event_spec.rb" "spec/models/email_verification_spec.rb" "spec/models/
connection_spec.rb" "spec/models/blog_post_spec.rb" "spec/models/
topic_spec.rb" "spec/models/feed_spec.rb" "spec/models/
message_spec.rb" "spec/models/person_mailer_spec.rb" "spec/models/
preference_spec.rb" "spec/models/blog_spec.rb" "spec/models/
comment_spec.rb" "spec/models/photo_spec.rb" "spec/models/
thumbnail_spec.rb" "spec/models/conversation_spec.rb" "spec/models/
person_spec.rb" "spec/models/forum_spec.rb" "spec/models/
gallery_spec.rb" --options "/home/wizcorp/sites/insoshi/spec/
spec.opts" failed

What should I do to resolve this and get insoshi moving


Dan B

Sep 6, 2009, 5:15:13 PM9/6/09
to Insoshi
Fred --

Check out
(Getting search tests (or specs) to pass with sphinx). There is a
more authoritative version (i.e., written by Long or Michael) floating
around, but I can't find it at the moment.

The test database starts off empty and as a result, the ultraphinx
index is empty as well. Rebuild the index after the tests fail (rake
ultrasphinx:index RAILS_ENV=test) and run the specs again. Everything
should pass now that the fixtures from the database are indexed in


On Sep 5, 1:23 am, ""
> expected: [#<Person id: 1402298589, email: "",
> name: "Quentin", remember_token: nil, crypted_password: "Uh/VMtkpi0e
> +YMHZVuvhfBa/LJ14lZQfJ5EI4/88Jo9EeewuzmK...", description: "I'm
> Quentin", remember_token_expires_at: nil, last_contacted_at: nil,
> last_logged_in_at: "2009-09-05 14:16:38", forum_posts_count: 0,
> blog_post_comments_count: 0, wall_comments_count: 0, created_at:
> "2009-08-31 14:16:16", updated_at: "2009-09-05 14:16:38", admin:
> false, deactivated: false, connection_notifications: true,
> message_notifications: true, wall_comment_notifications: true,
> blog_comment_notifications: true, email_verified: true, avatar_id:
> nil, identity_url: nil>],
>      got: nil (using ==)
> ./spec/controllers/searches_controller_spec.rb:59:
> 16)
> 'SearchesController Person searches should search by description'
> expected: [#<Person id: 1402298589, email: "",


Sep 9, 2009, 1:07:44 AM9/9/09
to Insoshi
Thanks Dan,
Will look into this and update this post.


On Sep 7, 6:15 am, Dan B <> wrote:
> Fred --
> Check out
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