Deities and Srila Prabhupada on our left while offering obeisances, Curtains Closed During Offering, Inquiries Into the Absolute, Digest 405

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May 21, 2013, 7:46:21 PM5/21/13
to Inquiries Into the Absolute
Digest 405, May 25th, 2013. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami
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Deities and Srila Prabhupada on our left while offering obeisances
Curtains Closed During Offering

788) I have very basic question related to etiquette which we follow
in ISKCON. Why do we keep deities or Srila Prabhupada on our left
while offering ashtang obeisance?

Ans (compliments of Gaura Kesava Prabhu): Hari Bhakti Vilasa says:
"One should not chant japa, do homa, or offer obeisance too close in
front of the deity (within the deity room garbha grha), at His back or
on His left side." HBV 8.391

Remember that the Lord's LEFT side is the RIGHT side as we face Him.
So we offer obeisance from the left as we face Him or His right as He
faces us.

Circumambulation of the deity or Srila Prabhupada's vyasasana applies
a slightly different principle, having to do with the word
'pradaksina'. When we circumambulate we go clockwise (pradaksina in
Sanskrit, which literally means "[from the east] towards the South/
right"). One who is facing east then turning towards the South would
be turning right or clockwise. Going clockwise around something or
someone would make our right side the side inside closest to them.
Normally in Indian culture and sastras one keeps the right side of
one's body (because the left side is considered as not auspicious or
clean) towards any respected person.

Directions have different meanings in Indian culture and sastras.
Since the sun rises in the east, the eastern direction is generally
considered as most auspicious.

789) Why do we keep curtains/doors of altar closed when Lord is taking
prasadam or when we are taking prasadam in front of altar?

Ans: According to Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu (Nectar of Devotion), it is
an offense to offer food that has been seen by animals or uninitiated

In addition, others should not directly see the bhoga prior to its
being offered to the deity because we may lustfully consider enjoying
that which is meant for Krishna, even within our minds, and thus an
offense is commited. Consider, for example, how Madhavendra Puri felt
when he saw the sweet rice offered to Gopinath in Remuna, prior to the
offering being completed; he felt that a GREAT offense had been
commited, due to his simply thinking of getting an opportunity to
taste the sweet rice in order to learn how to prepare a similar
preparation for his deity Gopal. You will find this entire narrative
in Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya Lila Chapter 4.

Thus, the training given by our Founder-acarya is that we cover the
tray of not-yet-offered food preparations from the kitchen to the
altar with a cloth, and we offer bhoga with the altar curtain (or
door) closed to the public. Sometimes a half-curtain if utilized for
this purpose, such that the deity can be seen but the unoffered food
items cannot be seen until the offering is completed.

The act of our eating is not a clean activity; thus we cleanse the
area fully wherever eating has taken place after eating, and we do not
eat in front of the deity.

Previous questions and answers are available with subject
classification at
Digests 1-242 are included as a PDF file at:
Brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami:

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