Always Discussing Krsna, Inquiries Into the Absolute, Digest 392

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Dec 8, 2012, 4:23:20 AM12/8/12
Digest 392, November 17th, 2012. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja
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Always Discussing Krsna

772) In Bhagavad-gita  9.14 Krishna stresses the importance of always describing his glories. How do we always discuss Krishna while still doing our everyday activities, such as school and homework?

Answer: Circumstances may prevent you from always discussing Krishna. However, another form of devotional service may very well be appropriate instead. For example, you can always remember Krishna.

By dint of remembrance of Krishna, which is one of the 9 limbs of bhakti, your own bhakti will affect those around you.

"For one who always remembers Me without deviation, I am easy to obtain, O son of Prtha, because of his constant engagement in devotional service." BG 8.14

How to always remember Krishna? Best is to be attached to Him. Whatever or whoever you are attached to, that you will always remember!

Likewise, since all things emmanate from Krishna, through your remembrance of Krishna while doing academic work you will see His energies in relation to Him, in this way consciously using His energies to satisfy Him. The fact that other students might not think this way or carry this consciousness does not diminish the spiritual reality of your work.

Krishna says "I am the intelligence of the intelligent, the prowess of all powerful men" [BG 7.10] etc. When the intelligence that Krishna gives you allows you to succeed in your academic work, you can give the credit to Krishna. When you confront a challenging question, you can call upon Krishna for the intelligence to address the question.

The whole if Ch 10 BG provides so many examples of how to always think of Krishna.

Spiritual means to see things in relation to their ultimate source, Krishna. Material means to do the same in forgetfulness of Him and the relationship that His energy has with Him.

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