Master keyboard does not work on slave

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VMC Lyon

Jan 29, 2020, 7:57:07 PM1/29/20
to Input Director
I've installed 1.4.3 on a Win10 pro x64 at the left, Win10 family x64 at the right.
I did a default setup and checked auto-switch master/slave role, connected slaves on both masters.

Left Mouse do work on Right computer
Left Keyboard DOES NOT work on Right computer
Right Mouse do work on Left computer
Right Keyboard do work on Left computer

I've tried : reboot both machines, reinstall both machines, reinstall keyboard drivers on master, change settings, switching manualy with hotkey. 
Nothing works. 
Did somebody had this issue before ?
Any Workaround ?

Congratulations anyway for the nice work
Thanks for any help you may provide


Jan 29, 2020, 11:56:43 PM1/29/20
to Input Director

If you disable auto-switch, is it working?



fhggh sgutfs

Jan 31, 2020, 5:37:28 AM1/31/20
to Input Director
Hm, I never encountered a situation where I ended up Input Director not working. 

(I use v1.3 for some unspecified reason, for the program tab references)
What I would do in your situation (this mixup kind of thing in my specific case once seldomly caused by me as far as I know now) is first disable Input Director on the "Main" tab in the program, then exit Input director on all systems, reboot them all, restart Input director on all computers, switch off "auto switch master/slave role" on the Global Preferences tab, then set one as master and one as slave in the main tab and Global tab (On start).

Did you switch off any special preferences for keyboards in the program?

Try rebooting the modem. This is possibly a powerful solution if a program like Input Director does not work. Even: pull the plug for a minute or so, all power from computers to also thoroughly reset computer's network adapters. 

This is what I would possibly even do if this program would not work. Laugh at me or not. 

Rebooting the modem, also important to know when some other network settings do not work while they should. 

Are all your firewall settings at default? Or the modem? There is less chance this is the problem because the mouse did work. Do you have other special keyboard software running? Does using another keyboard also not work on that computer? 

I use bluetooth or multiple keyboards/ mice on one computer, it works. Or on the same computer a smaller keyboard with a touchpad that combines a keyboard and a mouse. 

(I don't use an operating system beyond Windows 7)

Op donderdag 30 januari 2020 01:57:07 UTC+1 schreef VMC Lyon:
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fhggh sgutfs

Feb 3, 2020, 11:44:21 AM2/3/20
to Input Director
(I don't use an operating system beyond Windows 7)

Even 7 32-bits RAM(ddr) unlocked. If anyone wants to, I can post details.  

And with wake on lan. This needs the motherboard lan-adapter. Or some vague cable if it is a built in network card(?¿)
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