InputDirector is the best software for controlling multiple systems.
However, I have had many troubles when multiple systems also have mice connected. It seems that unless I turn off or unplug all mice except on one machine, the mice on other systems conflict with mouse movement between connected systems. The behavior often results in the mouse cursor getting lost altogether for a period of time (a few seconds). It also causes the mouse on the system being used to loop rather than move to another connected system because the mouse the another system is currently located on a different system other than the one it is connected to.
My suggestion would be that whenever the mouse on one system begins movement, all the connected mice on other systems should be forced to move back to their home systems. This, it seems, would allow the current mouse that is being used to have the freedom to access all the other connected systems without conflict or without the cursor disappearing at times. I am not sure it is possible to fix this behavior, but it would really make InputDirector's usage infinitely more predictable.
From my experiments with multiple systems, the above suggestion would cure some of the problems that I have had with pasting clipboard data too.