DOSBOX Instructions - These are from 2010 so they may not still apply...

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Bob Cruse

Mar 16, 2018, 7:41:52 PM3/16/18
...but they were the most concise of all the emails I've saved from this group.


[INN Revival] Simple instructions for installing and configuring DOSBox and INN:
Yahoo/INN Revival
Sep 4, 2010 at 12:47 PM
1) Download and install the latest version of DosBox.

INN has been tested with v 0.65 and up, earlier versions of DosBox may
or may not work. The configuration instructions below apply to v
0.73+, if installing a later version such as 0.74, substitute that
wherever I say 0.73.


2) Download and install INN:
(or search for abandonia INN on Google and click the first result)

NOTE: Click the "Clean original version without dosbox" under Extras,
not the "Get It" link. Some people have complained that the all-in-one
installer only works the first time after install, so it may be better
to stick with separate installs for DosBox and INN. I personally
install INN and my other DOS games inside a folder /Games/DosGames/


3) Configure DosBox. FOR PC:

Open your DosBox installation folder. Double-click on DosBox 0.73

Edit the following line:

fullscreen=false (set to true if you play all your DOS games in full
screen mode rather than windowed)

Add at the very bottom these two lines:

mount c c:\Games\DosGames (or whatever the folder is you put INN and
your other DOS games inside)



Run the DOSBox application once to create the preferences file. Exit

Open Macintosh HD, click the user listed below Desktop on the left.

Open Library/Preferences/DOSBox 0.73 Preferences in the plaintext
editor of your choice.

Edit the following line:

fullscreen=false (set to true if you play all your DOS games in full
screen mode rather than windowed)

Add at the very bottom these two lines:

mount c //Games/DosGames (or whatever the folder is you put INN and
your other DOS games inside)


Now create a text file called inn-run.bat, save it inside your
DosGames folder. Put inside that the following:

cd INN

Now all you have to do is start DOSBox, then type inn-run to enter


4) Other useful things to know:

Control-F9 exits DOSBox.

Alt-Enter (or Option-Return for Mac) toggles between full screen and
windowed mode.

In windowed mode, Alt-Tab (or Command-Tab on Mac) takes you out of
mouse lock so you can move the window around or switch between
multiple copies of DOSBox.

If you crash or lose connection while playing INN, it's probably a
good idea to restart DOSBox, not just try to run INN again.

If you want to run multiple copies of INN, you just duplicate the
DOSBox application (if on Mac, Windows doesn't require this), make
more copies of INN, and more copies of inn-run.bat that reference the
INN copies. Start DoxBox, type inn-run; start another instance of
DOSBox, type inn-run2, etc. Note that you want the DOSBox
configuration file to stay at fullscreen-false if running multiple
copies, so you can easily switch between them.
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