interesting program WG: Jamaican National Best Community Competition - An Innovative Approach for encouraging Civil Society into the Sustainable Development of their Communities -

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Miroslav Polzer, IAAI Klagenfurt - Ljubljana

Apr 3, 2012, 4:55:15 AM4/3/12

Fyi – received in response to our Rio+20 Issues brief on Innovation 4SD

Have a good day





Miroslav Polzer

Secretary General, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI

Facilitator of Rio+20 Issues Cluster "Innovation"  - Tel.: +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mob/Austria) & +1 646 831 1085 (mob/US only active part time);; skype: miropolzer; twitter: @glocha_mp;

Address: Dunajska 104, SI-1000 Ljubljana/Slovenia & Neuer Platz 10, At 9020 Klagenfurt/Austria



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Von: Jacqueline daCosta []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 03. April 2012 08:47
Betreff: An Innovative Approach for encouraging Civil Society into the Sustainable Development of their Communities
Wichtigkeit: Hoch


Miroslav Polzer,

Secretary General,

International Association for the Advancement of

Innovative Approaches to Global Change.


Dear Miroslav,


Sometimes small bits of news can brighten ones day and I thought after quickly skimming through your Rio +20 Informal issues Brief " Innovation for

Sustainable Development"  that I would share with you  information on the Jamaican National Best Community Competition and Programme for the creation of Sustainable Communities. It has been going on for the last six years and is entirely homegrown.


We are completing the Fifth year of the Competition and it has been and promises to be  an astonishing journey with respect as to what can be done with Limited funds, a great deal of volunteerism and not much help from the outside world to date.


Maybe you are thinking of Innovation in larger and more concrete ways, but little inroads can make huge differences. Please see a Fact Sheet and a short Report done recently about what we are implementing.


Best regards,



Jacqueline daCosta (Mrs.)

Chairperson, National Best Community Foundation (NBCF), &

National Steering Committee, National Best Community Competition and Programme, (NBCCP),

c/o Ministry of Youth , Sports and Culture, The Advantage General Insurance Building,

4-6 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.

Tel: NBCF Office - (876) 978-7654/7881/5347/0646 

Tel./Fax: daCosta - (876) 942-2540, Mobile (876) 469-4138 Digicel / (876) 819-3594. LIME

VIOP-USA No. rings in Jamaica: (954)376-8544.Magic Jack(works when Computer is on):(954)634-7881

Office email: <>  daCosta email: <>   


Fact Sheet Final February 2012.doc
Jamaica_NationalBestCommunityCompetition_NBCCP Report 2012.pdf
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