AW: Urgent: 3 Top Priorities of Your Rio+20 Thematic Cluster: Innovation

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Miroslav Polzer, IAAI Klagenfurt - Ljubljana

Jun 8, 2012, 7:05:21 AM6/8/12
to Jeff Huffines, leida anpd, Uchita de Zoysa, Thomas Forster, Linda Elswick, Sofía García,, Danielle Morley, Simone Lovera, Tasneem B,, Ashoka Finley, Maier, Juergen, Baschuck,, Nathalie Rey, Victoria Thoresen, Luis FLores Mimica,, Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Ed Barry, Peter Roderick, Paul Quintos,,, Joseph Foti, Neth Dano-ETC Group,, faroq ullah,, Lisinka Ulatowska, Henri Valot, Natalie Akstein, Rob Wheeler,

Dear colleagues,


please find below the 3 Top Priorities of Rio+20 Thematic Cluster on Innovation (derived from our Informal Issues Brief on Innovation 4SD as there was – due to the short notice - not enough time for a consultation process among issues cluster members):


1.      at Rio+20 heads of states and governments shall admit that UN system in its present form - with resources provision and decision making power resting solely with national governments - does not deliver effective global multilevel governance responses to global challenges. Heads of governments and states gathering at Rio+20 shall therefore commit to give room for new thinking and initiatives regarding global governance innovations aiming at integration of resources and knowledge/preferences of global civil society and each Global Citizen in building The Future we Want.



2.      at Rio+20 conference the global governance system innovation potentials of 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Partnership (developed by Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation; See ‘Informal Issues Brief on Innovation 4SD for details) and its implementation elements Global Challenges Centers,  Global Forum on Innovative Resource Mobilization for Education and Science, Collaborative Global Commons Growth Documentation System (= 15/15/15 Voluntary commitments implementation monitoring system) etc.) shall be discussed and interfaces for resource flows and new forms of ICT enhanced participation of civil society and UN system shall be developed.


15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula’ states that global civil society

-      on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and

-      on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance.


3.      In addition to addressing governance failures Rio+20 shall deliver also on the need for systemic measures effectively addressing market failures like externalities (e.g. overconsumption of natural resources as there is no price attached to them) and under-provision of public goods (like e.g. education for sustainable development). In this respect important intellectual input can and should be derived from systems re-design efforts by critical civil society organizations/movements like the World Social Forum, Occupy Wall Street and Global Commons alliances.


Best regards







Miroslav Polzer

Secretary General, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI

Facilitator of Rio+20 Issues Cluster "Innovation"  - Tel.: +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mob/Austria) & +1 646 831 1085 (mob/US only active part time);; skype: miropolzer; twitter: @glocha_mp;

Address: Dunajska 104, SI-1000 Ljubljana/Slovenia & Neuer Platz 10, At 9020 Klagenfurt/Austria



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Von: Jeff Huffines []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 05. Juni 2012 19:31
An: leida anpd; Uchita de Zoysa; Thomas Forster; Linda Elswick; Sofía García;; Danielle Morley; Simone Lovera; Tasneem B;; Ashoka Finley; Maier, Juergen; Baschuck;; Nathalie Rey; Victoria Thoresen; Luis FLores Mimica;; Mariann Lloyd-Smith; Ed Barry; Peter Roderick; Paul Quintos;;;; Joseph Foti; Neth Dano-ETC Group;; faroq ullah;; Lisinka Ulatowska; Henri Valot; Natalie Akstein; Rob Wheeler
Betreff: Urgent: 3 Top Priorities of Your Thematic Cluster


Dear Thematic Cluster Facilitators:

Last Saturday the Major Group Organizing Partners agreed to produce a list of key priorities of not more than 400 words for each MG to be compiled as a compendium with the goal of having a final draft prepared by Friday, 8 June. This compendium would be attached to a document comprised of a brief introduction of agreed principles outlining key demands by all Major Groups.

To assist in the drafting of the key priorities of the NGO MG, I would very much appreciate it if you could send to me your cluster's top 3 priorities for Rio+20 in bullet point form before this Friday.

Should your NGO thematic cluster be organizing an event at Rio+20, and would wish UN DESA to promote it through social media, please send your information to John Romano, UN DESA communication focal point at <>.

Many thanks, Jeff

Jeffery Huffines
CIVICUS UN Representative (NY)
+1 646-707-1060
Skype: jefferyvhuffines

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation

PO BOX 933, Southdale 2135, JHB, South Africa

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