Update IAAI and New Year Wishes 2014

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Miroslav Polzer, IAAI Klagenfurt (Austria)

Dec 31, 2013, 10:02:18 AM12/31/13
to Rio+20 GYMC Klagenfurt Team, innovat...@googlegroups.com, Ravi Karkara, Heinz Egger, Gasper....@gov.si, Mirjam Polzer-Srienz, ACUNS Vienna Liaison, Schellander Harald, Martin Maitz, blaz....@cegd.eu, Jerome...@millennium-project.org, Katrina Martinez, Heinrich C. Mayr, Christina Stevens, Ann hughes, Patrick Sciarratta

Dear IAAI members,

dear Global Youth Music Contest team members,

dear friends,


as we have arrived at the eve of another New Year today, I am writing these lines to You, first to say “Thank You” for Your friendship, Your enduring commitment and leadership in building a more sustainable and just world and second to provide You with some information about recent developments and IAAI‘s plans for the coming year.


Looking back we all can be proud of what we have achieved during last 2 years, e.g.

-        Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest has been a remarkable success with great potentials for the future

-        IAAI has received ECOSOC accreditation July 2013 http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/235-iaaiecosocjuyl2013

-        we have had a chance to present our initiatives and plans at Trusteeship Council Chamber at UN headquarters in New York, photo attached (see http://bit.ly/19uM6Mn for video on demand) http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/240-iaai-glocha-event-owg6

-        and much more


Unfortunately our fundraising efforts didn’t bear expected fruits yet (except a small grant of City of Klagenfurt in 2012 for Rio+20 GYMC and a recent grant of Central European Initiative www.cei.int to our workshop “Youth, Music and Action for a Sustainable World: Empowering Young People and Local Communities in CEI region to Engage in United Nations Programs” which will take place 4 & 5 June 2014 in Klagenfurt) and IAAI’s work still depending primarily on me investing my personal resources (and those of my wife Mirjam).


The plan is that the financial situation of IAAI should be settled by June 2014 (see document IAAI products and services attached), when we will have the above mentioned CEI workshop in combination with our international conference “Sustainable Development, Innovation and Youth” (see attachment) and a workshop for establishing Global Challenges ICT Knowledge and Technology Hub Klagenfurt (organized as social enterprise). We are trying to get sponsors for an ambitious “2015 Music and Action for a Sustainable World” (GYMC) initiative and “Global Challenges World Cup – Urban Games” (which will be presented next week in NY, see attachment) as well as social impact investors for the GloCha ICT company.


During first week of June we will also have our IAAI general assembly and You are welcome to express Your interest if You would like to be involved in governance of IAAI (see http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/173-iaai-e-ga-sept-2011 for results of IAAI board election at general assembly 2011, bylaws etc.) by sending an email with a motivation letter and CV to off...@glocha.info.


If You are by coincidence in Vienna 15-17 January 2014 You are kindly invited to join us at ACUNS Vienna UN Conference 2014 where IAAI is going to host a panel on “UN System Engaging with Local Actors in Provision of Global Public Goods” on 16th http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/242-iaaiatacunsviennaunconf2014.


To conclude I would like to once again affirm You that the fire of our IAAI/GloCha initiatives is burning as strong as ever and that we are determined to succeed and I count on You to join us and stay with us on this journey in 2014


I wish You all the best for 2014





Miroslav Polzer

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)

Adresse: Neuer Platz 10/I, At 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria

Tel.: +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mob/Austria) US cell phone: 646 627 6408   www.glocha.info;  pol...@glocha.info; skype: miropolzer; twitter: @glocha_mp;  



IAAI products and services.docx
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