Heartpower for Rio+20 - Announcement of the Winners of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest!

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Miroslav Polzer, IAAI Klagenfurt - Ljubljana

May 22, 2012, 7:22:58 AM5/22/12
to glochaint...@googlegroups.com, innovat...@googlegroups.com

Dear colleagues,

Dear friends,


please find below the announcement of the winners of Rio+20 Global Youth music Contest as well as some words of thanks that I have posted yesterday in GYMC group on facebook but could perhaps be missed by those not using facebook (e.g. our friends from China)


Thank you once again to all who have contributed – I think we have achieved a lot and the future holds even greater potentials for us  J








Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest www.global-rockstar.net invited young people from around the world to participate in Rio+20 by singing of their visions of a sustainable world in the context of United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development www.uncsd2012.org.

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313 songs have been submitted by young artists from 40 countries.


19 March till 18 May 2012 there has been going on an online voting with more than 200.000 visitors at the voting page www.global-rockstar.net.


As the voting phase has been successfully completed we are now delighted to present to you the winners of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest:


-       The winner in the category “Young (up to 15 years) - who is also the overall winner of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest with a total of 44.251 votes - is the Choir Santo Amaro de Oeiras from Portugal with the Song “Meu Planeta Azul” (My Blue Planet)


winner meuplanetaazulgrs


-        The winner in the category „Young“ (15-30 years) are Milena Paraschiv and Radu Popescu from Romania with the song “Open Your Eyes”




In addition to the official IAAI Rio+20 GYMC winners, identified by global online voting, some additional entries have been acknowledged by Rio+20 GYMC implementation partner Global Rockstar (responsible for GYMC management of entries and voting) with Global Rockstar Jury Awards (see http://www.global-rockstar.net/#t21 for details).


The winners of GYMC will perform in Rio de Janeiro 19 June 2012 at opening session of the Rio+20 conference “Choosing Our Future: Open and Participatory Sustainable Development Governance”http://www.accessinitiative.org/blog/2012/04/choosing-our-future-and-rio-20 and there will be probably some more public appearances of the winners and meetings with Rio+20 secretariat staff, UN system officials and member states delegations in order to fulfill the vision and mission of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest:


“Let the Music talk, let the Rhythm Play and Let the World Know What the Youth Have to Say!”



Rio+20 GYMC CD:

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Teenage Rockstar/Global Rockstar http://www.teenage-rockstar.net/ – a company based in Vienna who partnered with IAAI regarding technical aspects and music management aspects of Rio+20 GYMC – is offering a Rio+20 GYMC CD with a selection of 20 songs from the competition. Pre-orders can be placed here: http://www.global-rockstar.net/global-rockstar-rio-20-music


I US$ of each purchased CD will be donated to IAAI for implementation of next round of Global Youth Music Contest and implementation of Rio+20 outcomes.

You are encouraged to order the CD as this CD documents Rio+20 GYMC as a milestone of innovative global youth culture.


Next steps:


- IAAI is going to organize a Side event at Rio+20 conference http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/meetings_sidevents.html which will also be used for planning of action oriented next round of GYMC (there will be developed a Global Citizenship/Global Social Responsibility voluntary commitments initiative and linked with Volunteer Action Counts http://www.volunteeractioncounts.org/en/ and other initiatives like e.g. Starts With You http://en.swu.com.br/ (to be confirmed)) 14 June 2012 in Rio.


Individuals and representatives of youth organizations/networks, etc. interested to get involved in next round(s) of GYMC coordination are welcome to join us at the event or to express interest to get involved by sending an email to off...@glocha.info.


Title:                                   Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want
Date & Time Slot:
           14 Jun 2012, 09:30 - 11:00; Venue: T-4 (RioCentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


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15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula’ states that Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance.


For more details see http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/192-rio20-issues-cluster-on-innovation-presentation-a-launch-of-151515-un-civil-society-partnership


IAAI has submitted ‘15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership’ proposal to Rio+20 Dialogues www.riodialogues.org hoping to get it adopted and communicated as global Civil Society recommendation to the official Rio+20 negotiations. This would give the next round of “Global Youth Music Contest” a very strong foundation and high motivation for young people to get involved!




You are kindly invited to support 15/15/15 recommendation in the context of Rio+20 dialogues:  



Thank you for your support!


Jean Paul, Anam and Miro

Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest coordination team at IAAI



Info about IAAI:


International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAIwww.glocha.info - is a not-for profit private association, which has been established under Austrian law of associations by an international group of scientists, science managers and futures studies experts in April 2007. IAAI seat is in Klagenfurt/ Austria. IAAI main objective is to explore and promote systemic innovation regarding resource mobilization of global civil society for effective global governance in support of the work of United Nation System.


Interesting links:





Miroslav Polzer

Secretary General, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI

Facilitator of Rio+20 Issues Cluster "Innovation"  - Tel.: +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mob/Austria) & +1 646 831 1085 (mob/US only active part time)

www.glocha.info;  pol...@glocha.info; skype: miropolzer; twitter: @glocha_mp;  www.facebook.com/mpolzer

Address: Dunajska 104, SI-1000 Ljubljana/Slovenia & Neuer Platz 10, At 9020 Klagenfurt/Austria



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Miroslav Polzer

Hi everybody,

as we have now successfully completed the first round of Global Youth Music Contest I would like to express on berhalf of IAAI our sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to making Rio+20 GYMC such a great success:

- first we have to acknowledge once again the wonderful preparatory work accomplished by global youth representatives from all around the worlcd in September last year in Klagenfurt (see
http://www.glocha.info/images/stories/rio/press%20release.pdf for more details) under the leadership of Rio+20 GYMC global coordinator Jean Paul Brice Affana and outreach coordinator Anam Gill
- then the Call for Music and our message of everybody being empowered to contribute to an effective UN system has been conveyed from Klagenfurt into youth networks and communities around the workd by our wonderful - still growing - network of national and regional coordinators
http://www.glocha.info/images/stories/rio/press%20release.pdf with wonderful working results e.g. in many African countries, Trinidad and Tobago, etc.
- then we entered with Global Rockstar/Teenage Rockstar a cooperation agreement and GRS team Christof, Ronny and Irene provided an excellent technological platform and music management expertise and personal committment that was very important for implementation of the initiative
- the key ingredient for success of our initiative are the 313 songs that we have received from young artists from 40 countries from all continent. This heartpower and creativity is just amazing - it gives hope, it spreads love to nature and love among nations and it builds a global alliance in support of effective United Nations and successful Rio+20 negotiations - we can't say enough thanks to all who have answered our call for music with their wonderful music!!!!!
- a very valuable next level of GYMC implementation have been the national juries as well as concerts and MyCity+20 events in Lahore/Pakistan, Boston, New York, Beijing, Yaounde, Kathmandu which hepled to raise visibility of our initiative and gave young people a voice locally and globally.
- finally we have to thank those who listened to the songs and expressed appreciation by voting. I don't have the exact numbers but there have been several hundred thousand visitors of the voting platform
www.global-rockstar.net which is an outstanding success for a grassroots initiative that started from scratch only 9 months ago

So I think we can be proud of ourselves and grateful to one another for this great achievement - thanks a lot to all of you!!!!

As regards next steps:
- we on IAAI side will prepare materials for further communicating the results of voting to a broad public via homepages
www.glocha.info, www.uncsd2012.org, list servers, twitter, facebook etc. by tomorrow
- 14 June IAAI holds a 15/15/15 workshop at Rio+20 conference which will also be used for first planning of next round of GYMC which shall be announced in Rio+20 19th or 20th of June
- 18 June (to be confirmed) we will have a workshop for planning next round of GYMC with those coordinators (from this round as well as additional ones) who will succeed to come to Rio despite the fact that IAAI couldn't raise funds for a strong delegation of coordinators as initially planned
- winners of GYMC will perform 19 June at opening session of this conference
http://www.accessinitiative.org/blog/2012/04/choosing-our-future-and-rio-20 - there will be probably some more public appearances and we will choose the one with the potential of getting top level UN representative handing over award certificates (and some small awards) for the award ceremony where also the next round of GYMC will be announced
- there will be many more activities in Rio which will be organized on a very short notice as the whole preparatory process on the side of Brazilian government and UN is very chaotic

you will get more updates and also an invitation to work with us in next round of GYMC via email soon

Best regards,
Miro and Jean Paul




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Douglas F. Williamson Great success!

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Jean Paul Brice Affana I like that part too much: ''the whole preparatory process on the side of Brazilian government and UN is very chaotic'' :-)

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Jean Paul Brice Affana And a special ''THANK'' to Miroslav for the great, great, great and great work you have been doing as well :-) This is first of all your success and we all appreciate that.

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Miroslav Polzer

thanks to everybody for positive feed-back to above message. One more person whos contribution I would like to highlight in gratitude is Michael Platzer who has helped significantly over last 4 years to bring IAAI to the high level where it is today and who helped to link Rio+20 GYMC with UN structures and with Academic Council on the Unietd Nations System - features of our work which make us special in the global CSO landscape.

Yes, I think we have done a great job all together and as mentioned in posts by Abder and Jean Paul in this group last week: this is just the beginning of a long journey - a movement - the initiative is here to stay for the next several hundred years and if momentum grows next few years as it did last few months, there is a lot of positive energy and positive change we can expect -

Let the Music Talk, Let the Rhythm play and let the World know what the youth have to say :-) Go GloCha Cha!

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Miroslav Polzer

one more important person to say thanks: my wife Mirjam :-). As you know IAAI didn't succeed yet with fundraising - although I am 99,5 % sure we will get there by end of coming summer. So all global coordination efforts have been financed by myself so far - meaning that this private pre-financing (which I hope to get back sooner or late :-)) was only possible with the consent of my dear wife who trusts that this is a good global social investment - Hvala lepa, Mirjam!

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Maxwell Adew Beside a succesful husbans there is always a caring wife

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Llewelyn Jones Great work all. Let the next step be something focusing on collaboration between countries and partners to achieve the aims of IAAI.

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