SetupMutex check should not run only after language selection

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Bruno Lopes

Jun 1, 2024, 1:09:53 PMJun 1
to innosetup
I noticed that using SetupMutex not always produce the desired effect if you have multiple languages.

In that case, the warning about another running setup is displayed only after selecting a language, which is weird.

In my rationale, the previous lang dialog creates expectancy to the user just to be trolled by the SetupMutex dialog which blocks him. So, I think that the SetupMutex dialog should run before all the Inno and custom dialogs by default.

Martijn Laan

Jun 2, 2024, 9:50:50 AMJun 2
to innosetup
The mutex warning and the language dialog are not both displayed in the same install to end users because the latter is only displayed on the first install and the former only on later installs. 

You can also use CheckForMutexes for more fine grained control. 


Op zaterdag 1 juni 2024 om 19:09:53 UTC+2 schreef

Martijn Laan

Jun 2, 2024, 4:15:17 PMJun 2
to innosetup
Sorry, ignore my first paragraph, that's about AppMutex

Op zondag 2 juni 2024 om 15:50:50 UTC+2 schreef Martijn Laan:
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