I built Inno Setup 6.3.0-dev in Delphi 11.3 CE and looked at the CodeClasses.iss sample script with the new TNewLinkLabel control. The AdjustHeight function for this control does not work (TNewLinkLabel.AdjustHeight). The following string is used in the example:
LinkLabel.Caption := 'TNew<a id=“jrsoftware”>Link</a>Label with more text and an adjusted label height so it''s multi-line with a second <a id=“jrsoftware”>link</a> on the second line.'';
The caption is not fully displayed in the installer window.
For the TNewStaticText element, the AdjustBounds function works, but for TNewLinkLabel it does not.
Where is the error?
In Delphi 11.3 CE or?
Best Regards