Configure a dedicated temp folder

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Cédric Michel (Miniova)

Oct 30, 2024, 6:36:25 AMOct 30
to innosetup
I see a remarks that come up often.
How to configure a specific temp folder.

I have the same need because my company refuse to use tmp folder (for good, of not good reason but I don't have the choice).

I suggest to add a specific Environment variable for that INNOSETUPTMP 

I will provide the possibility to use a specific temp folder only for inno setup.
If not configure, it keep the same behavior as previous.

David Hollman

Oct 30, 2024, 9:31:19 AMOct 30
to innosetup
Do you know which TEMP folders are blocked?  There are several in Windows. We use `%localappdata\temp%` frequently for example.


Oct 30, 2024, 3:17:38 PMOct 30
That proposed solution is insecure by design, so should not be implemented, IMHO.

If your company IT thinks they should block access to the temp folder, then ask them what the temp folder is supposed to be used for, in the bug-ticket you should create for them.

Or they can assist you with installing the software using sufficiently authorized credentials, but in my experience, they are just being overly cautious or don't understand what they are doing (to their customers).

Op wo 30 okt 2024 om 11:36 schreef Cédric Michel (Miniova) <>:
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