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GB, author of iNMR

Jul 4, 2013, 8:25:35 AM7/4/13
The last version of iNMR for Mac (5.2.9) was uploaded more than 30 days ago. No incident was reported in the period. You know that a new version comes out every month, mainly because somebody asked for a new function, but also to correct the errors that are discovered from time to time. This month is a rare exception. If the quiet continues, it might be the first month since 2005 without a new release. If you have any version between 5.0.0 and 5.2.8, this is the best moment to update it. The latest version has already been tested and we know it works.

If you have an older version for the Mac, the upgrade is cheap but not gratis. If you have been waiting for something like version 6 for a paid upgrade, I can tell you that there is no version 6 on the horizon, for two good reasons. As you know, the Windows version has received the main attention in the last two years, but now it's ready. The main reason is the direction where Apple is going into: away from the professional market and toward the consumer market. The consumer market is a place where there is no interaction between the author and the user. This interaction is an essential part of iNMR. I already wrote about it, if I remember well. Obviously the iNMR project goes on as ever. The only difference is that I am no more interested into what Apple is doing; I use Snow Leopard and I am fine. Apple is working hard and well to make every new OS compatible with the existing software. When there will be the need to change the code, a new major version will of iNMR will appear, but currently there is no such a menace.
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